Chapter 5

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The next morning came without any real events that would cause one to question what was happening, and Squigly rose up onto her bed, sighing and holding her son.

She gave him a tired smile and hugged him close to her chest, humming softly into his ear, content to just hold him close. He snuggled up and clutched at her nightgown with one tiny fist before innocently sucking on his thumb. Squigly giggled softly into her hand. It was just like the day she found him... And the cuteness had in no way diminished.

She sighed contently and looked out the window. Keeping Harry's face turned against her so as to not disturb his sleep, she walked over and looked out over the town. While it had only been two months since she was last here, things seemed drastically better. The town seemed more lively and colourful, and Squigly knew that was thanks to her friend/boss's influence. She was thankful that she could raise her son here and not worry about some of the less savoury issues that plagued this town. It seemed so much more like the town she knew when she was a little girl now.

The memories came flooding back to her. Memories of her mother and father taking her out to do various activities when she was little. Restaurants. Amusement parks. Theaters. Anything a little girl could ever want to experience, she experienced at least once. Her parents loved her deeply, and always put their best efforts into keeping her happy. And she would do the same for Harry. She would help him build happy memories.

And while she felt like her family never failed in their efforts to make her happy, Squigly felt like she would have plenty of help from her friends, and by extension, her family. She smiled, looking at her sleeping son, wondering what he'd do when he was all grown up. Would he become a performer like her? Or would he do something completely different? Still, whatever he did, she would support him.

He was such a good boy... Hr dessrved the world... Instead what he got was nothing short of pure, unfiltered hell... Rocking him back and forth, she idly imagined him working various jobs. The imaginary Harry looked super cute in all his little outfits. The zombie had to giggle softly at the ridiculous places her mind had gone to, and she rested her chin on her sleeping son's hear. "You're so cute.." She whispered..

Harry squirmed before nuzzling back down, letting himself get lost in his mother's gown, letting the clothing envelop him into a little roll essentially, leaving his face poking out, which was still in a deep sleep. Squigly stopped and decided to take mental stock of a few things. She had a son, which she hadn't expected by now would never give up. She had a home, she had a job doing what she feared she never could do again. She could hopefully get the ones who abused Harry so badly sentenced to the torturous hell they deserved... and she had a little under seven years before the Skull Heart came about again.

Yes... Her life was officially back on track... Everything was working out just fine for her... It was all okay once more... And it was all thanks to him... The sweet little bundle of love and joy that she had the absolute privilege to call her son... If it wasn't for Harry, she would still be dead in her coffin. Without her son, she would still have nothing but a lifetime of death and fighting... She owed so much to her Harry..

But it seemed like all Harry ever wanted was to be loved by someone. To be held close and cared for, to be shown any sort of compassion, and that's all he needed to be happy. And she fully intended to give him that, to take care of him in any way possible. In a sense, she was what Harry needed as well. Without her, he'd still be stuck in that nightmare home where he was nothing but a slave to those monsters.

She subconsciously hugged her child tighter in a protective manner and sighed softly. "They will get what they deserve, Harry... I promise..." She whispered. The boy nuzzled in closer, stirring slightly, before waking up with an adorable little yawn. "Mmm... Mama...?"

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