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→ 002; pressure

it was impossible to shake the feeling of her lips on his own. it was both consolation and discomfort. 

"you look tired, maite," kyati heard her mother say gently

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"you look tired, maite," kyati heard her mother say gently. pe'ire turned her daughter around, wondering how it seemed the girl was already so grown up, and pressed her cool thumbs against kyati's under eyes. she batted her mother away in response and shuffled to her pa'li.

"not now, mother."

pe'ire pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes at kyati. she chastised, "do not speak in that tone to me," but stode to her own pa'li and mounted it anyhow. "i will see you tonight."

from the front of the crowd of gathered sopyu na'vi, haka'i said, "let us go. there is no time to waste." his broad form could be seen from kyati's place in the middle of the clan, sitting proudly atop his own steed. his mother, the olo'eykte ngarì, was beside him with a spine just as straight. kyati saw her eyes wander through the crowd, land on her, and narrow in warning.

but kyati was in no mood to be scolded or warned again: the past four days she had been told over and over, as preparations began to set off to the omatikaya clan, to keep her place and behave herself.

yes, she always sighed in response. i understand. i will behave myself. this time she gave a curt nod and pretended to fiddle with the makeshift shelter strapped to the pa'li's hind.

kyati had resigned herself to staying away from the boy in her dreams. she could look at him from afar, at least. and when that became painful, she could climb the trees and explore the forest and feel the sharp wind biting at her skin.

haka'i gave a sharp cry that resounded through the cave like the warning cry of an animal.

"may eywa guide you!" sung the crowd that they were leaving behind—anyone too young, or too old, or too indisposed to spend extended amounts of time outside their protected caves. kyati rolled her eyes as haka'i made a final show of letting his pa'li stand on its two back legs before he strode off to the path their ancestors had carved through use.

the trip would take just under mrr days. 


maite = daughter

pa'li = direhorse

mrr = 5

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