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Y/ns pov

As a kid it was hard growing up with abusive parents, but freddy has always been there for me. Well, we've always been there for each other through the rough and the smooth. By the rough I mean the foster system, and by the smooth I mean being adopted by people who live next door to each other and are friends.

But what he didn't know is that I find him the most adorable, bubbly , loving, and overall amazing to be around. Whether it be because of the way his smile brightens a room when he talks about his geeky superhero stuff, his voice ever so slightly trembling when hes happy or how his sense of humour never fails to make my day , I've always fucking loved freddy freeman.

I want to be more than friends with him desperately, but I'm convinced hes hetero.

" y/n!" A voice came from the other door of my bedroom

" come in " I replied

" your parents let me in" freddy came in, his crutch lightly tapping the wooden floor as he made his way over to my bed and sat down " you'll never guess what "

" got a new comic?" I furrowed my brows, he shook his head. A giddy look on his face " another superman bullet?"

" god, I wish" he giggled " but no, mom and dad are adopting a new foster kid!"

" oh , that's cool" I smiled " what's their name?"

" his name is billy" his smile was wide causing his eyes to scrunch up happy " I'm so excited, maybe he'll wanna be friends? We dont have many of those , so it could be nice to have a little addition. Make our duo a trio maybe! "

" alright alright, calm it blabber mouth" I chuckled then used my left hand to ruffle his dark brown hair

" oh! And, mom and dad want you to come over for dinner tonight, so yknow, he feels more ok around you because you're basically part of the family" he explained " are you free?"

" always, I love rosa and Victor's cooking" I nodded " so, this Billy person is becoming a part of your household tonight?"

" yep!" He exclaimed " are you excited?"

" if you're excited , I'm excited " I smiled , he smiled back his cheeks ever so slightly rosy making his freckles stand out. " I could go to yours now, we can hang out there instead of having to walk over later?"

" y-ye" he nodded " lets go"

He stood up, stumbling slightly as his crutch slipped.

Swiftly I grabbed his waist and helped him back up to his feet "are you ok?" I asked gently , he nodded then snatched my hand making me blush

" yeah, now let's go!"


Me and freddy sat in his room talking while we listened to the commotion downstairs, billy was clearly here. But we decided to wait for him to come to us .

" so, then super man was all like whooooosh around the world. And basically rewinded time" freddy explained his comic to me

" but, how does that make sense?" My eyebrows knitted together

" because think about it" he spoke " if he goes around the earth anti clockwise fast enough, the earth goes with him. Meaning it's not going the way it should, henceforth reminding time"

" no, but it would fuck up how time works, like the days would all be different " I replied

" stop putting logic into my comics" he grumbled and crossed his arms, a cute little annoyed look on his face

" aw, I'm sorry freds " I poked his stomach causing him to double over

I continued, he was a giggling mess " dont" he laughed out

" do you forgive me?" I asked with an evil look on my face

" yes!" He yelled, I pulled my hands away. He let a few more laughs escape his lips before sitting back up " I hate you" I threateningly held my hands up to him, his eyes widened " no! I didn't mean it I swear" he edged away .

I laughed

Suddenly the door swang open, we both looked in its direction.

" freddy, y/n. This is billy batson" spoke rosa as her and Billy walked in " make sure you make him feel at home, both of you. Even if you dont live here y/n. Ok?" I smiled and nodded " and freddy, maybe dont say anything to weird?"

" oh, one weird thing is, you know that the romans used to brush their teeth with their urine?" The room went silent "A-and apparently it-it works"

" yep, uhm . " rosa simply patted Billy's shoulder before exiting the room.

Billy rolled his eyes as he looked around the room, me and freddy exchanged looks. Maybe we dont wanna be friends with him.

Soon billy made it to the window and looked down it

" oh, uh . It's a long way down " freddy broke him from his thought process " trust me, I speak from experience " He picked up his crutch and slowly stood up, I held his waist to ensure he didn't fall over like earlier. " victor pushed me" he lied , I repressed a laugh " they seem nice, but dont buy it. It gets real game of thrones around here. "

" what?" Billy asked panickingly, both me and freddy snickered

" dude, hes just messing around " I laughed

" I-its uhm.." freddy's face changed to a sad one " its terminal cancer. I-I , only have three months"

I matched his solemn attitude, trying not to laugh at Billy's reaction.

" kidding again!" Freddy exclaimed finnaly letting me laugh " you look at me and say why so dark you're a disabled foster kid you've got it all , right?"

Billy walked past us, towards freddys batarang

" guys, I'm gonna go help rosa and victor with the cooking. So ya'll can do some sibling bonding shit" I slowly backed away

" oh, ok. See you later y/n" freddy gave me a wide smile.

I waved before exiting the room to go downstairs.

freddy Freeman x male reader Where stories live. Discover now