I nodded and saw her eyes widen as wide as her smile. 

"Isn't that a good thing? Why is mom crying then?"

I shrugged, having no answer to that question, and then shooed her away with my hands. "Now go. I need to eat in peace and that will not happen until you leave."

She scowled at me before standing up and leaving, muttering something along the lines of 'so this is how my thank you's going to be'. I chuckled before eating.

Tomorrow is going to be a last tiring day. I hadn't thought about it. It won't be easy leaving my old friends. And there is Niccolo...........wait a minute, isn't he also staying in Italy after the trip?!

I bolted upright after that thought, feeling the excitement bubbling inside me. After hesitating for 10.3 seconds, I decided to call Niccolo. He must be holding the phone or something because he picked up on the first ring.

"Hel-lo?", he gasped as if he was having a hard time to breathe. I got concerned so I asked him if he was okay.

"Oh yeah...totally fine. So, why did you call?"

I scowled at the phone. Straight to the point, huh? No 'how are you', 'what are you doing' or 'I love y- shut up mind.

"I called because because I have something important to tell you."

"Well, thanks, Captain Obvious.", he replied, sarcastically, and I rolled my eyes, at the phone of course.

"Can you shut up or do you not want to hear my exciting news?"

He chuckled. "Sorry, what's up?"

"The sky.", I simply replied.

He snorted. "So lame."

"Hey! That's not lame!"

"Okay okay. Just tell me the news, I don't like mystery."

"Fine.", I agreed, not able to control the excitement any longer. "I'mgoingtostayinItalytoo!"

There was one second silence before his confused voice came. "What?"

I rolled  my eyes and this time repeated slowly. "I am going to stay in Italy, too."

Another silence. "Like really staying staying?"


There was a third silence before he exclaimed," That's awesome! Wait you're not tricking me, right?"

I giggled before saying 'nop'. It was a good feeling to know that he was happy I was staying close to him. Well maybe not that close but atleast it's the same country.

After that, we talked for half an hour before my dad poked his head through my bedroom door.

"Los, go to bed. If you want to go tomorrow, you go to sleep right now. And whose on that phone? You better not be talking with some boy.", he tried to act stern but failed badly. I knew he loved me too much to give that kind of punishment.

I giggled at my dad. Wait, giggle? I've been doing that a lot nowadays. I should stop that.

"'Kay, dad. Dad, how's mom? Are you sure you don't want to tell me anything right now?"

"Mom's good now. And for the second question, well, you'll soon know everything. Now's just not the right time."

I was definetely confused but as a yawn escaped my mouth, I decided not to push it any further. "Okay, Goodnight."

He came in and kissed me on my forehead."'Night. Put that cell phone down and have some rest, okay?"

I nodded and watched as he walked out before putting the phone back on my ear.

"Nic, you there?"

There was an incoherent mumble from the other side which made me realize he was talking in his sleep. How can he get asleep so fast? And with his hold still on the phone.

I chuckled as he continued to mumble. Just as I was about to hang up, I heard something like 'love you, Los'.

'Nah, I'm just sleepy and imagining things, that's all.,"my sensible mind said. But my heart was disagreeing.

 I kept my iPhone on my favourite playlist. I dozed off listening to Just Give Me A Reason by Pink, thinking about tomorrow.


I just had to add that song at the last. I'm so addicted to it! -------->>>

Anyways, it's been a while since I last uploaded so, I hope everyone reading this enjoys it. And there won't be any more looooonnggg waiting because I want to finish this story as fast and smooth as I can so, that I can work on other stories. 

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