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Few months later:
I have been taking care of me and Rebecca alot since we moved for now I haven't heard from bucky but from the other I have I was on call with nat "hey's bucky?" I asked "hes been in your old room since you left hes been awfully quiet since you left he hasn't been to any missions at all" she replied "has he been eating or anything" I asked again "hes been drinking alot we think he getting depressed" she replied "well not gonna lie but we are pretty miserable without eachother....tell him I said hi I guess?" I said "will do and I gotta go cause loki turned Thor into a frog and trying to step on him" I laughed and hanged up "mommy can I go see daddy?" Rebecca asked "umm I don't know" I replied "please?" She begged "okay go get your stuff on" I smiled "yay!" She said and ran to her shoes wands bought for her I smiled at the memory when she bought them beccas learning how to talk really well now I walked to my shoes and put them on we went to the car and buckled her in and started the car "mommy what do you miss about daddy" she said "um well....I miss everything about him your like a little miny him" I smiled "how much do you love him" she asked "I love him more then anything" I said pulling up to the compound seeing Steve in the driveway I rolled down my window "5 words sorry I left you guys" I said smiling he smiled back rebecca unbuckled herself and ran out the door and ran into his arms "hey becky" he said "hi uncle stevie" she said I smiled and got out the car "Where's bucky?" I asked "inside" he said.

I walked up stairs to the room I opened it seeing No one "bucky?" I whispered the room was a mess there was punch holes in the wall clothes everywhere the bed had no sheet or even blankets or pillows the lamps were knock down the TV was fine and glass shattered "bucky?" I whispered again "what" he said I looked Where he was he was fully naked nothing on not even a boxer or sock was on "rebecca wants to see you" I spoke quietly "where is she" he said "downstairs" I replied "whyd you leave" he said "like I said I needed a break" I replied bending down seeing his tired baggy red eyes like he's been crying for how many months "you need to eat something james" I said I looked in my bag seeing a granola bar "here eat this...please?" I said holding it in front of him "please james" I said he took it his hand brushed through mine he took it and opened it and took a bite I bit my lip and stood up looking in the closet for clothes I saw a sweatpants And a black t shirt with a Grey boxers I grabbed it and took it to him I reached my hand out for his "come on let's give you a bath" I said he took my hand and got up I walked to the bathroom and turned the water to warm he stood there looking down at me leaning against the sink "okay its warm now you can go in now" I said standing up he shook his head "not without you" he whispered "bucky I can't" I said "please" he said holding out a hand "fine" I said putting my bag down and taking off my sleeve shirt and unbottoning my black jeans leaving me in a bra and underwear he stared up and down at me he came up and hugged me our warm body colliding together he uncapped my bra and threw it on the floor and he went on his knees taking off my underwear and stood up again he looked at me I looked away "come on then we don't have much time" I said grabbing his hand to the bathtub and stepped in he stepped in and sat down pulling me down with him slowly I sat in the opposite side of him I grabbed a bucket and put water in it "tilt your head back" I said he did so and I poured it on his hair and then I grabbed a shampoo and conditioner and put it in his hair massaging his head he moaned I froze "I miss you" he said bring his thumb up to my lips brushing past it I smiled and rinsed his hair out we got out and I put my clothes back on he put his  on and I went downstairs to rebecca who was sitting on the couch With Scott watching Hannah Montana "jeez Scott your gonna get her addicted to watching that" I said "why's your hair wet" nat asked "we took a shower" bucky budged in "daddy!" Rebecca yelled running to him "hey little bean!" He said picking her up and hugged her "I missed you" he said moving her brown hair out of the way I smiled at the features being so identical "mommy can I stay with daddy" she asked making me snap out of the gaze "uh I don't know" I said reassuring bucky what she said "can she?" He asked I hesitated then nodded "yay" she said put her hands up in excitement I smiled and then picked up my bag "I'll go grab your clothes" I spoke before leaving and driving back to the apartment I packed her some overnight clothes and went back in the car.

I got to the compound and walked in seeing nat Wanda and yelena playing monopoly I smiled.

Buckys pov:
"Daddy" "yes" "What do you miss about mommy" "What do I miss about everything I miss her laugh, her smile and her little nose that she gave to you lucky you didn't get mine you'd look very weird." "I miss everytime the wizard of Oz was on" "I love that movie" she smiled "I know she would sing all the songs to us especially somewhere over the know what I miss about her" "what?" "Getting to tell her how much I love her" "are you allowed to do that with anybody else?" She asked "am I allowed? You mother before she left all she would take about is me finding somebody else but I'd tell her I can't because she's my one and only." "What did mommy say" "your mom would say my heart is so big it has room for two that's another thing I miss about your mother....she actually thought I was awesome"  "I think your awesome daddy" she said I kissed her head.

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