meeting your family

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Oliver- "Sooo your dad is a boxer? Great. Just great." He felt scared of the girls dad the most. There was no way he was making it out of that house alive. He felt so anxious he didn't know what to do besides squeeze your hand the whole car ride there.

At home: Oliver surprisingly handled the conversations well. "Yes ma'am." He'd use formalities with your parents but they'd be quick to shutting that down. "Please Oli... call us mom and dad." Would smile at those words. Your dad would offer to box with him and he'd happily oblige. Would play with your siblings and win their hearts instantly. If you have older siblings he'd bring them gifts. Would instantly win your families hearts. He'd be so happy if he had time to text he'd text Sebastian about everything that happened. Would want to come over again and box with your dad some more.

Which parent did he get closest to? Dad

Kane- "Should I wear this or this?" Would ask you for tons of advice. "You know baby, I think I got this." He's very confident, recites his words to your parents in the mirror. Holds your waist and admires you through the mirror.

At the restaurant: Super respectful, the type to buy your mom flowers. "So Mr. Ratan... what are your intentions with our daughter?" Would go into so much detail about how much he's willing to be with you forever. Very sweet with his words. Kane is definitely going to have your mom love him because of how sweet he is to her by offering to pay and by being his usual shy self.

Which parent did he get closest to? Mom.

Regie- You two were about to get off the airplane. You see your older siblings holding a sign with your ship name, making you two laugh. Regie had bought plane tickets to your hometown to visit your older siblings as you weren't close to your parents anymore due to work reasons. You guys all decided to make a blog together. Regie was laid back and chill the entire time.

During recording- You'd all be doing a mukbang and talk about life. "So basically, yeah that's how I met your sister." Regie finished off the story of how you two met and your sister was flabbergasted. "You met while getting the same exact tattoo?" She asked, Regie nodded. "We even got it tatted." He showed the camera and so did you. Unexpectedly, you received a FaceTime call from...your mom. You answered it, scared something bad might've happened but instead she said hi to Regie and you. "Sorry we couldn't make it, it's nice to meet you Regie you seem like a very nice guy." Your dad says, Regie thanked the man. The thing about Regie meeting your family is he never filtered himself. He was the same Regie you knew and your parents loved that about him.

Which parent did he get closest to? Both.

Justin- Justin began to sweep the floors once more but you stopped him. "Justin that's enough cleaning the house is just fine." He looked at the clean house and shook his head. "Fuck I'm sorry I'm just nervous." Just then the doorbell rang, he jumped a little and watched you open the door to greet your family members. It was your mom, your dad, your oldest sister  and your second oldest brother.

At the living room- You guys decided to have a movie night so they can meet Justin. Justin of course wanted to get closer to your siblings first so he offered to make them some snacks. He prepared your parents some wine and chocolates. Very formal "Justin do you mind turning up the volume?" Your mother asks. He smiles his bright smile and says "Yes ma'am." Before he turned the volume up. Over all he would be really respectful and would make your mom smile. This of course made your dad feel comfortable as well so he admitted how he felt towards Justin. "Justin... you keep people smiling. You got my approval."

Which parent did he get closest to? Dad

Ryan- "Why are we at the toy store?" You asked Ryan. He paced around the store and couldn't stop buying things left and right. "For your younger siblings." He says, grabbing yet another toy.

At the house- Your mom would greet Ryan first with a hug and then you. You'd all be sat at the dining table discussing stuff about Ryan. Your mother asked about his interests, hobbies, and life behind the screen. As she got to know him better she couldn't help but examine one thing about him. He was really great with kids. He'd play with your baby sister calling her "cutie" and "little one" and would definitely give you baby fever. He'd chase your little brother down the halls and tickle him. It would be the cutest thing ever

Which parent did he get closest to? Mom

Darren- He'd be in the kitchen cooking his ass off all your families favorite dishes. He'd take his time to make sure it was the most delicious food ever. The doorbell would ring and his confidence would take place.

At the house- Darren would open the door and greet your mom. Your dad couldn't show up due to personal reasons sadly so it was just you three and your little brother. "So Darren... how did you meet Y/n?" Your mom asks out of curiosity. As he explained to your mother the story of how you two met you went to the living room to play with your little brother. He was watching TV when you decided to tickle him. "Stop it Y/n!" He'd whine until Darren says "Be nice to y/b/n" You gasped. "I am being nice." You say as you continued to tickle him again. Your brother would get closer to Darren by sneaking food with him while he'd still be cooking. Overall very sweet and communicated well.

Which parent he got closest to? Mom

Sebastian- He sprayed cologne on his neck, looking in the mirror. "Do I look over dressed?" Sebastian asked, you could only laugh at his nervousness. "Seb. The theme was formal you're dressed perfectly fine." You said, as you put your heels on. "You look amazing." He says as you stood up walking towards him. You pulled him by his tie and kissed him gently on the lips. "You're absolutely stunning." You muttered, the boy smiled and took a picture of you guys in the mirror.

At the restaurant: Seb would be so nervous. He'd start tapping his foot but you'd notice and hold his hand. "So Sebastian...what do you do for a living?" Your father asks, and OH this boy would start to shake again. "I- um- it's basically like- we- have a group and-ummm make YouTube videos. We also make music." Your parents would only laugh at his anxiousness and calm him down quickly by comforting him. "Hey Seb its alright we just want to meet the lovely man our daughter can't stop talking about." Your mother says, he took a deep breath and relaxed. A few hours passed and now you're all laughing at stories Seb told about living with you. "She put the milk in the oven instead of the fridge once." The whole time you were getting bullied by your family but Sebastian felt safe around them and that's all that mattered to you.

Which parent did he get closest to? Mother & Father

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