last day

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The last day of the year was today. Everyone from the other schools were leaving. Shay sighed watching Hermione with Grum. She was blushing like mad, funny really. Harry and Ron were getting kisses from that girl from the academy or whatever.

"Shay!" Geroge called out. She walked over with a smile.

"Hi guys" she smiled at the twins, Geroge seemed happy to see her but Fred was talking to a Teacher.

"You'll write, right?" Geroge took her hand. She blushed and nodded.

"Why wouldn't I?" She asked and they both chuckled to one another.

"The train is leaving in two hours!" Hermione said walking over with Harry and Ron. Fred walked over wrapping his arm around geroges neck.

"One last butter beer?" Ron asked.

"I'm in!" Hermione smiled

"Oh please!" Shay smiled Geroge pulled away from Fred and took Shays hand.

"On me." George smiled

"Can I get in on that too?" Fred nudged geroge.

"In your dreams Fredie!" The twins laughed and the group began to move.

Fred stopped and looked to his left.

"Fredie?" Geroge and Shay looked at Fred.

"I-I'll catch up." Fred waved his hand and rushed off.

"Is he okay?" Shay asked. Geroge watched his brother run off

"I don't know..."

"Are you guys getting Butter beer?" Ginny walked over with Luna.


Aaron stood in the library.  Fred leaned over his shoulder looking in the same direction as him but not reading the covers of the books.

"Whatcha looking for?" Fred whispered. A.J. covered Fred's mouth.

"Waiting for the Liberian to leave at 11 so I can go into the restricted section." He whispered back to the ginger. A ding rang in the distance and the older lady got up leaving the room.

"Oooo, scandalous ~" Fred teased but A.J. was already gone. Fred rushed over to him and watched his use his wand to unlock the lock. He opened the door a crack and snuck through.

"You coming?" A.J. asked. Fred looked back the door thinking he really wanted butter beer but went into the restricted section with Aaron.

"What are you looking for?" Fred asked.

"A book for postions and spells."

"But the spells you'd learn are the unforgivable ones, A.J. what are you planning?"

"Fred, if you're going to judge me for what I'm interested in then go. I don't need anyone telling me what I should and shouldn't be doing!" A.J. snapped at the ginger. He stood there quietly and started to help look for one of the books.

30 minutes pasted and A.J. had two book and put them in the bag that rested on his hip.

"Can we go now? Everyone's getting butter beer and I want some." Fred whined. A.J. cracked a small smile and nodded.

"Want to come?" Fred asked opening the door. A.J. walked out the Fred followed. They shut the door and A.J. locked it again. The walked towards the exit and A.J. thought.

"Would it be alright..?" A.J. asked.

"Of course it is!!" Fred laughed. A.J. blushed and nodded.


"Where's Fred... he's been gone for almost an hour." Geroge said. Ron shrugged. Shay grabbed his arm.

"I'm sure he's just saying goodbye to all his teachers." Shay explained. Geroges shoulders dropped and nodded.

The door swung open and Fred waved at them.

"Hope you guys saved some for us!" Fred yelled at the table. He held the door open and A.J. walked through. Shay jumped up and ran over jumping at A.J. hugging him tightly.

"Jesus-!" A.J. used the wall to catch himself hodling onto Shay tightly.

"Thank God you're ok!"

"Why wouldn't I be?" The two pulled away. She explained the whole Voldemort talk to him and he sighed.

"Come sit! We got two extra drinks!" Ron laughed and Hermione leaned on Ron. Everyone sat around the table drinking and laughing.



The train began to move.  Ron, Hermione, Harry, Shay and A.J sat in one cart. A.J. just watched out the window listening to everyone laugh and joke around.

Harry looked at A.J. and touched his shoulder.

"You were close to Cedric...closer than I was. I'm sorry."

"You know, I could ask if we could share a room, if you'd want to be a little less lonely of course." Cedric laughed as he looked out my window. I sat on my bed watching him.

"I'd love to have you as a roommate Cedric, but you're a year older than me, is that even aloud?" I asked. Cedric walked over to the bed and flopped down onto it with me. He shrugged and I laughed laying next to him.

"Can just have sleepovers ever now and again." He said looking at me. I looked at him and laughed.

"I'd be honored to have a sleep over with you Cedric!" We both laughed and leaned closer to eachother.

"He was a older Brother to me..." A.J. said.

"Hey!" Cedric sat down next to me in potions. We talked and while we were doing the assignment Snape gave us, Cedric ended up blowing his pot up as I made the best one in class. I helped him fix him and he whined.

"I'm so bad at thisss" Cedric whined. I laughed.

"You should read more and practice! I'll help you!" I smile and Cedric smiled back.

"Thanks A.J, I really appreciate that."

Aaron sighed. Harry frowned and went back to the conversation that the other three were having.

Aaron got up and walked out. "Be back." He said shutting the door.

"What was that all about?" Hermione asked Harry. Harry sighed and said what he said to Aaron.


Aaron swung the door open to where the other Slytherin's were. Conversations stopped or went quiet when he started walking through the cart. One of the girls tapped his shoulder.

"Draco is in the 3rd cart." She said. Aaron smiled and nodded.

"Thank you." He said and quickly began to with through the carts. The third cart was bare. Draco was standing when he walked in. The blonde boy turned to Aaron and frowned.

"Are you alright..?" Draco asked walking up to Aaron. Aaron shook his head. Draco took his hand and brought him to a seat and sat with him. Aaron began to cry and tell Draco about everything with Cedric and Voldemort. He was sobbing. Draco listened to every word and soon hugged him. Aaron continued to talk and cry onto Dracos chest. The two were like that for the rest of the train ride home.

Ever since Aaron had been just so off and grew extremely distant from... well.. everyone.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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