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how are u?

i am good thanks

how are u?

been better
but oh well
can we call, if it's okay with you?


          HOPE moved out of the living room, in which her family rested. Sure, they could hear with their supernatural hearing if they wished, but the idea of privacy settled her racing mind. The ringtone rang as she went into her room, Hermione's name flashing up on the screen.

Muttering a spell to close her door, Hope clicked answer and put the phone to her ear, mumbling out a whispered, "Hi."

"Hey, Hope." Hermione's voice was softer than expected, Hope expected her to be loud, instead she was quiet. There was a hint of authority in her tone, as though she could lead an army. That thought made Hope smile.

"How are you?"

"Let's cut the crap." Hermione was as commanding as Hope thought, interrupting her. Hope didn't mind in the slightest and was glad they were getting to the point, "My life is terrible. I just found out I have a brother, and now he is dying. His liver is failing. And my mother? Still scheming, all she fucking does is scheme! I just wanted a normal family. But no, I'm stuck with a dysfunctional trainwreck!"

"I... I don't know what to say." It was the truth, Hope presumed Hermione's life was regular. She never expected it to be bad, her attitude on texts made her seem almost unreal, but now? Now she seemed real.

"It's okay, most don't." Hermione sighed, not wanting to reveal too much, back in England she laid on her bed as tears stained her face, mascara running down her face onto the white pillows, "My mascara stained my pillow, it's not okay, Hope."

Hope laughed, a sweet chuckle that made Hermione smile for a fraction of a second, "That's what your focusing on?"

"Yeah, kinda." Hermione laughed, a sound that to Hope made her sound like an angel sent from the heavens, "If you ever need to vent, you know you can talk to me, right?"

"Mia, this isn't the time to talk about me." Hope sighed, "Now is the time to talk about you, if you want to, that is."

"I do, but I can't let you in on my life." Hermione bit her cheek, a nervous habit she developed as a child, "I—it's dangerous, someone as sweet as you doesn't deserve it."

"You don't even know how dangerous my life is." It was true, Hope knew whatever Hermione was keeping from her would, most probably, not live up to her secret. Being a Mikaelson was surely more dangerous, "But, I get your hesitation."

"Thank you, for understanding." Hermione sat up on her bed, pulling the duvet over her, "It's just, people in the past have hated me for my past. Telling the wrong people, the wrong people finding out. It's why I have no friends. Why my mother of all people had to sign me up for the program without my knowledge, because she knew I'd never go for it without being pushed into it."

"It's understandable to have nerves, Hermione." The sound of her name on Hope's lips, it reminded Hermione of a feeling she had once... when she was five she first saw a rainbow and felt this euphoria. It was a surprise nobody knew she was gay as a child, there were numerous things like that.

Then again, she was a strange kid...

"Just know I'm always here for you." Hope finished, clearing her throat after.

"Thanks, Hopey, means a lot." Hermione heard the door click and her mother saying a greeting, "I gotta go. Love you, bye!"

Hope heard the click of the phone and sighed sadly as she put her phone down on her bed. Despite the sad conversation, she missed Hermione's voice. She didn't care for the nature of the call and only wanted more because of who was calling.

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