She had never kissed anyone before today, so she was quite inexperienced. Yet the effort she shows definitely makes up for it. Her hands cup the woman's face gently, an act she supposes is new for the lady, given her line of work. Yet the woman welcomes the service gladly, as her own hands make quick work of holding Alyssa with a strange type of fondness she can't put her finger on.

The woman's tongue is sharp and skilled as it makes use of making its way into her mouth, and Alyssa finds herself panting dutifully when she feels the wet muscle exploring her inner mouth. She knows Aegon is watching the two of them. His heavy breathing is not exactly hard to recognise. Yet still his presence doesn't seem to bother her. It's strange, as if anything it spurs her on to give him a show. To give him a taste of what it is she can truly do.

"My princess..." The woman murmurs, ripping her warmth away to whisper into Alyssa's ear. "I can offer you many things and more. I hear from others you have not been touched, so I shall not ask for payment from you." The woman leans away, and it is only now that Alyssa realises her eyes have been shut. Yet even so she knows by the way the woman's voice sounds she's talking to Aegon now. "Though little prince, it will not be as cheap for you. I will pleasure the princess free of charge, but there will be a price for you to watch I'm afraid."

By now, Alyssa's eyes were blown wide from a strange yet delicious mixture of surprise and lust. But when Alyssa in anticipation turns to see Aegons reaction to the woman's claim, she finds Aegons usually light coloured eyes to be dark with what she thought could only be desire and lust. Yet even still, they still manage to convey his thoughts to her as clearly as they could be.

They ask her if she gives the permission for him to watch. And in her own way, she answers with a clear and definite yes.

"Whatever coin I must forfeit, I do so with a smile!" Aegon chuckles, reaching into the pocket of his cloak where he got the same coin purse he used earlier. "Just point me to the madam and I will secure a room for us. I cannot have my dearest lady defiled on a filthy floor!" He yells, bounding along when the blonde woman points to a regal, more elder looking woman who observes all by a single staircase over by the far wall that seems to lead to the bedrooms.

When Aegon leaves her, it all suddenly becomes all too real for Alyssa. This is the place, even if it wasn't it's a brothel so it counted, where her father had supposedly defiled his nieces reputation. Forcing her into a whole marital dispute, sending the entire realm into a frenzy for who would become the future queen of the realms husband. And Aegon had brought her to a situation just like it, giving or taking a few certain key factor. The main one being that Alyssa was not being fought over to be wed too. If anything, they'd probably be fighting not to marry her.

It's the whores sudden rush of warmth that brings Alyssa back from her horrid thoughts. Yet that only further worries her. So much in fact that your breath becomes laboured and your chest becomes tight. Your grip on the whores hand, who still to you is a stranger, tightens too. And no matter how much her soft voice tickles your ear and her other hand attempts to comfort you, it still isn't enough.

"I thought whores were meant to be comforting?" A familiar voice rings out before an even familiar feeling of skin blooms on your own. "The ones I had before certainly were. Though I suppose I have years of experience against my dearest sweet cousin..."

Your head that you hadn't even realised drifted to the floor, is suddenly pulled up by only two fingers. And when you allow your head to be dragged to the desired direction, your breath feels like it's been dragged from your chest all over again when you meet the familiar eyes of Aegon.

His eyes unlike before are less darker with less. Now, they're more lighter with affection, yet still there's that swirl of desire brewing within them. Though that's normal for Aegon anyways.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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