"Why you? Rose, why you?"

"I dont know Harry."

"Go downstairs. I have to get ready."

"Rose? Going to hoegsmade with Cedric....it's part of your task. He's going to die, isn't he?"

"Not if i can help it Harry."


"Hello Cedric."

"Hi Rose."

We sat down inside the three broomsticks, ordering a butterbeer. I had never tasted one before.

"Okay, so your telling me, you've never had a butterbeer before?" Cedric asked

"That's right."

"What about a red vine? Or every flavored beans?"


"You were deprived." He leant back in his chair, fighting the grin that was slowly appearing ln his face.

"I know. So deprived." I said dramatically

"Did your parents ever give you any wizard treats?"

I quieted a bit, the grin slipping off my face.

"No." I said quietly "Never had the chance to. Death Eaters killed them."

"Rose, i'm so sorry. I didn't-"

"It's okay Ced." I smiled. He still looked a bit worried as he glanced at me.

"Really, it's fine."

"Here's your butterbeer."

The waitress set our drinks on the table before quickly walking away.

I noticed Cedric staring at me. It was getting weird after a few seconds.

"What?" I asked, holding back a laugh

"Im waiting."


"Your reaction. I want to remeber your first taste of butterbeer. Its a delecasy."

"Oh really? Alright." I brought the glass to my lips, and took a sip.

My eyes widened as i swallowed.

"Holy crap. That was bloody amazing. Like...wow. No words." I said

Cedric laughed at my reaction. I guess it was pretty funny. In a sorts.

"Amazing, right?" He asked

"I may take your opinion on all the wizard treats."

"So, since you were, er, sorted later than all of us, tell me, what spells do you know?"

"Well, my cousin, Harry, brought me up to date on things. And i study like crazy with Hermoine so, i know a bit extra."

"I see."

"What about you?" I asked "I mean, i've heard your like, the smartest one. Besides Hermoine."

He blushed. Awww.

"I suppose. I've got the highest grades in my year."

"Go on, boast. You deserve it."

"Why would i boast?"

"Well, i mean, you obvoiusly put in the work, you work hard to acheive the grades. I think you deserve a few bragging rights."

He laughed. "So, what do you think about....me being in the Tri-Wizard Tournament?"

The Girl Who LivedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ