chapter 249: a fan with a plan

Start from the beginning


Savannah: do you just say that she was she Norman's daughter may from the petalburg gym

Jacob: yeah

Savannah: It's true! I was right! Hey you guys over here i got Norman's daughter may

The mothers began to surround her now as drew ran off

Mother 1: i just bet your a chip off the old block

Mother 2: i should say*showing up things like a pic of Norman and more*

May: hey that's my dad

Savannah: oh i know who you are, your his son max

Max: yeah

Mother 2: just think what it must be like to call norman your father

Mother 3: so max, you gonna follow in your dad's footstep and be a great gym leader like him, tell me

Max and may:*sweatdrop*

Jacob: leave this to me, that's right ladies im helping max here become a great man just like his father im sorta like the older brother he never had and as for me may i'm actually dating her

Moms: Awww! That's so Great!

May: (Blushing) Hehe, Yeah. Hey Jacob, does this always Happen to you?

Jacob: sometimes i get use to it, i like the fan their nice people, i go around take selfies give a few autographs it's all fun for me and the fans

May: Man I wonder if it'll be the same when I'm famous

Jacob: maybe who knows

Savannah: a question jacob and may, the girls and i were just wondering your gonna enter the rubello contest right

Jacob: of course, just like my mom would

Savannah: i knew it i am gonna be entering the very same contest as may

Mother 1: wonderful

Mother 2: this will go down in MFP history

Mother 3: good luck savannah, we'll be here cheering for you all the way

The mothers (minus savannah): MFP gals let's cheer, MFP spite no fear, we fight, might dig right in! MFP is HERE *poses*

Jacob: wow they sure are good at cheering say what does MFP stand for

Savannah: it's short for mothers for pokemon

Jacob: oh god my mother would love this group, she fit right in

Brock: any openings

Mother 1: see we formed a group of mothers that just love pokemon and pokemon contests

Mother 2: we started out just sitting around in the audience but after awhile we started entering contests

Mother 3: still the only one who has won a ribbon is savannah, she's the MFP's pride and joy

Savannah: oh your being way too kind, winning that contest was beginners luck

Mother 1: i know what why don't we through a welcome party max, max and jacob

Mother 2: oh good idea

Jacob: oh why thank you ladies your too kind, i wish my mother were here right now she would love this group


The group was now at a restaurant as jacob was on the side on the phone calling his mom

Jacob: hey mom

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