I sighed. I wish I could tell her how much I loved her and what exactly she meant to me, but I knew it wasn't the right time yet. 

I sat up and reached into the top drawer of my nightstand and pulled out a notebook and pen. 

I started writing. I wrote as if it was to Ashley herself, like some sort of cheesy love letter. I wrote about all of the things I loved about her, from her eyes to her hair and the way it falls in her face sometimes, to the way she sings absentmindedly while doing things. 

I didn't plan on giving her this letter anytime soon, but it was something that I could give her eventually. Maybe giving it to her when I officially asked her to be my girlfriend would be a good idea, or I could give it to her some other time when she's down. 

Before I knew it, I had written a few pages, front and back, just talking about Ashley and how beautiful she was. I wrote a little bit about some of my favourite memories with her, like the time when we were 14 and we were messing around on a croc trip and I fell into the bushes and she had to get Wes to help get me out. 

My phone started ringing, and there was the call I was waiting for. 

"Well, hello beautiful," I said, smiling. I put my phone on speaker and kept writing. 

"Hey. I just couldn't sleep. And I know that I should because tomorrow is gonna be a long day and whatnot but I'm just..so broken," she said. 

"Love, you are not broken. Things are difficult, but they can be difficult for everyone. But just with everything, I'll be here for you the whole time. Your family will figure it out and so will Cait's, which is also technically your family. But it'll all be okay. And if it's not all okay with them, everything will always be okay with me," I said, trying my best to reassure her. 

"Yeah, you're right. We'll just see how it plays out. I'm sure things will be fine," she said. Her breath was shaky. 

"It will be. I promise," I said. "Well, what are you doing?" 

"Getting my bag together for releasing Noosa, towels and stuff. I have the gifts for your family under the tree, set in a special pile so I know which ones to grab when Mum and I come over. What about you?" 

"Writing. Just some things I had on my mind that I wanted to get written down. I have my camera equipment packed already," I said, turning the page and writing more. 

"What are you writing? I hear pages turning. Must be serious if you're writing on multiple pages," she said, laughing slightly. 

"Oh, yeah, serious stuff. You know me, Mr Serious," I joked, making her laugh. 

Hearing her voice was great, her laughter even better. I was glad I could make her laugh, especially with as rough as a day she had earlier. 

"Are you gonna tell me what you're writing?" She asked. I could hear the smile in her voice. 

"You'll find out eventually," I said. I reached a good stopping point in what I was writing. 

I thumbed through the several pages I just wrote, thinking if I should just fill the whole notebook and give it to her when I was done, or take out the pages I wrote and staple them and give them together. 

I decided to go with the former option, and I wrote the date on the first page I wrote. I thought about how sweet it would be to give her this whole notebook filled with letters to her, and how she would react. Well, it wouldn't be a whole notebook as I had ripped out some pages that I already wrote on, but it was most of a notebook. 

"What are you looking forward to the most tomorrow?"She asked after a few minutes of silence. 

I thought for a moment, thinking. What was I looking forward to? I know with it being Christmas there were the presents and food to look forward to, but I wasn't that materialistic of a person, I could live without the gifts. 

Sweet Summer Sunsets- A Robert Irwin FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now