chapter one

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the six had been in los angeles for a while now. about 7-8 months now, and charlotte dunne, wanted to go see them. she decided to go and surprise her brothers, and the rest of the band.

the place they were staying was off the side of a mountain, it had possibly the best view charlie had ever seen. she stopped after she got out of the car, and just looked at it for a little bit, taking in the los angeles atmosphere. she could smell the sex, drugs, and rock and roll of this city. and she loved it.

CHARLOTTE DUNNE: there was nothing like that view. nothing.

as she turned throughout the house, following the loud noises with her bags in her hands, she noticed how disgusting the house was. it looked as if an earthquake had happened but only within the house.

charlie turned one final corner and saw two of the guys playing poker on a coffee table, with a girl she didn't know of.

warren was the first one to notice her. "well if it isn't baby dunne." warren got up and ran over to charlie pulling her in his arms and swinging her around. after that the other boys ran over.

"warren rhodes i swear to god if you don't-" charlie cut herself off once she was put back on the ground, laughing.

graham hugged her next. it was a deep hug. after not seeing her brother in over 8 months, it felt good to be back with her best friend, and younger-older brother. "i missed you graham." she mumbled in his ear. "it's been way too fucking long."

"god i know charlie, don't gotta rub it in." he pushed her playfully. as they pulled away from each other he really looked at her, took in the way she'd changed, and it didn't seem to be in a good way.

the next person to come into her line of sight was the girl, who walked up to her. "hey i'm karen." she stuck out her hand, which charlotte shook happily, excited for there to be another girl around here besides her and camila.

"karen, this is my baby sister charlotte." graham introduced charlie to her.

"calm down buddy, i think i know my name. i'm charlotte dunne, but call me charlie i beg of you. i got enough of billy using his 'dad voice' calling me my full name to last me the rest of my life." the group shared a laugh.

somehow the music had gotten turned down a bit, so that everyone could hear each other. charlie assumed karen did it, but who knows. but because of that, eddie loving came out of his cave. "hey! who turned down the kinks?" he stopped when he saw everyone was surrounding someone.

EDDIE LOVING: i actually didn't see her just yet. i just thought "why is everyone standing right here?". the last thing i was expecting was her.

charlie turned around and saw the guy. a smile formed on both of their faces at the same time. "holy shit no way it's snobby eddie loving?"

"stubborn charlie dunne, is that you?" they laughed. "aren't you supposed to be in school or something?"

"i'm only a year younger than you asshole. plus you missed the cut off. about a month ago that would've worked, but i'm a graduate now baby."

graham turned to his sister. "wait seriously? dude billy's gonna flip when he finds out we missed it. you should've told us."

charlie grabbed her bags from off the floor and turned to her brother. "well graham, billy can cry all he wants, you guys wouldn't have wanted to come anyways. especially billy." there was a moment of silence and a look exchanged between siblings. "i was thinking if i could stay with yall for a bit. only for about a week or so, then i'm gonna go back to mom's." she gave graham a look that said "we need to talk"

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