part 2

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*alarm sounds*

You wake up at seven and realise you have work so you get dressed and head out as you walk into the shop you go behind the counter and start serving people and half way between your shift you serve someone familiar then you realise it's the drunk man from yesterday he noticed you staring at him and he rolls his eyes "what is there something on my face"

you shake your head and look at what he's buying which was completely not healthy he bought two packs of beer and a tub of ice cream you have to ask for his Id even though he looks 30 and he happily shows you and you see that he's 23 he leaves with his drinks.

No matter what you do you can't stop thinking about him your so distracted by your thoughts you don't realise that your still at work even though your shift ended three hours ago so you hurry out and go home

(I'm at a bloody party writing this)

You decide to get Macca's so you walk there while on the phone scrolling through tiktok when you get there you order a happy meal and a cheese burger as your leaving you see that man again sitting in the hedge eating a burger you turn away to avoid him seeing you but it's to late and he's seen you.

"HEy YoUR THaT StORE GuY!" He obviously was super drunk so you turned to walk away and you hear footsteps coming closer to you and you feel him grab your ass so you turn around and slap him across the face "wHAT ThE FuCK" you step back "I wasn't expecting that I'm sorry" he steps towards you and grabs your shoulders "WeLL ThEN Im GONnA fUCK YoU!" You stand there looking at him for a while before he grabs your wrist and drags you down the street to The Crusty Hotel which must be where he's staying and he walks you to room number 3 and you have the realisation that you came out of that exact room the other day after being drunk.

He drags you in and pins you on the bed.

jshlatt X male readerWhere stories live. Discover now