Six Minutes or More of Magnus's Perspective: Part 2

Start from the beginning

I walked towards what seemed to be a local grocery store and went inside. I started getting food, water, clothes, you name it. Though all the clothes weren't preferable since they weren't fire proof but I'd take it. All while I was doing this people were screaming and their eyes lighting up with sweet sweet fear. I'm not a particularly bad person I would say, sure I have those moments where I try and kill people with my fire powers but those are people who go out of their way to aggravate me. But one thing I can't deny is that I'm probably just a bit of a sadist. I can't help but feel joy when people run away screaming from me! But possible victim complex aside, I went to leave the store. "Hey, you have to pay f-for that..." the store employee immediately stopped his whole charade when he saw who I was. "Well isn't that precious..." I looked him in the eyes and he immediately yelped, "Sorry! Uh sorry sir! You don't have to pay j-just please don't..." I smiled at him and went back outside to people screaming their little heads off again, ugh do they ever stop? I was intending on trying on the new clothes but I would have to go a bit farther away to do. As I had that though out of my peripheral vision I saw a police car driving slowly towards me. Well it would probably be a good time to get on with leaving.

After escaping possible re-confinement I was back in the forest again, this time I didn't have the intention of setting it on fire cause that would mean my clothes would catch on fire and that would be pretty awkward. I put on the new clothes and it felt like life had been breathed into my soul again. Finally out of that hell. Though I still have some work to do. I have no idea what has transpired in the world since my containment and I don't much like being in the dark. A cellphone would probably be a good starter. But the nearest cellphone I could take would probably be in that town I just left, and I have no idea if there's a different closer town so I guess I have to go back, again,


As I entered the town I quickly ducked into an alleyway and tried to hide myself best I could while peeking my head out. I intended to stay hidden this time given that they've probably had time to alert real authorities of my presence here. A man walked by where I was hiding and I yanked him back. "Hello, care giving up your cellphone?" "What!? Are you-" He seemed to give up his resistance once he realized who I was. "Cellphone?" "R-right away..." he entered in the passcode and handed it to me. "Thank you for your charitable donation to avoid getting torched to death! Have a nice life." I said stating last sentence sarcastically cause I really couldn't care less if he ended up making millions or dying when I left. After changing the passcode and all that fancy stuff I was back in the forest and having fun asking Google questions. Whittier Corp was now Holiday Corp and the owner is now...BIRDIE!? Birdie Anders!? The company got handed over to a f-cking 9 year old!? When I read the name Holiday Corp I thought the company was handed over or taken over or whatever by someone else like Dr. Anders or James, even Holiday would've been better!

That was about the biggest shock I had in my catching up on the news journey though. I have no doubt there's more shocking things but I would need to have the connects in Whittier Corp I had in the past to get that information. Ugh such a shame, I HATE not knowing stuff. Especially stuff I should know. Anyhow I kept scrolling through all I could find. That was until a certain article popped up as I refreshed, "Runaway kid named Adam causes trouble for the family of Birdy Anders, found out why" Ah Adam, the most despicable of the four. I clicked on the article and started reading and...

I started another forest fire in my rage this one probably bigger then the last judging by the size of the forest. They had the GALL to try and redeem him!? I may be bad sometimes sure! Starting fires, risking life's, but I never, NEVER had intentions of killing every human on earth and replacing them with bots. I've never had intentions of anything even remotely close! But they still redeem him! They still try to reform him!! How could they not see this happening!? Do the Anders have brain damage!? WHY!? WHY DOES LIFE CHOOSE A HUMANITY HATING ROBOT TO TRY AND REEDEM, AND UNDERSTAND, BUT NOT ME!? AGHHH.

The forest caught on even more fire, which was somehow possible, my clothes were basically gone from the fire spreading to every inch of my body.

Oh it's bad, it's so bad, I was planning on lying low, and not doing anything outlandish, sure! My curiosity may have killed me on the inside but that didn't matter! Until now, I have to know, and I have to get my revenge, I want to, NEED to see their pretty little faces as they burst into flames, knowing that they tried to redeem a humanity hating emotionless bot instead of me, or hell! EVEN THE MON- ANGELICA. I was so consumed in my hate that I forgot to not do the thing I said I wouldn't do, start a fire, why? Cause then I would somehow have to get clothes while naked. Apparently life just hates me that much! So I went to find some clothes while also trying to conceal the fact that I was naked.

As I walked out into the open after stealing someones clothing I stole a car, the guy tried to resist even knowing who I was. I torched him, I don't know how badly I torched him, I wasn't even paying attention, he might die soon, but I don't care.

We're going to Juno, Alaska! To pay Holiday and her family and especially Adam if I can find him...

Just a little visit...

A Six Minutes Fan-Fiction Between Adam and Magnus.Where stories live. Discover now