meeting the gems

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@=(y/n)'s pov=@

I asked the boy if he had any clothes I can wear, luckily he said yes, he told me to wait here while he gets the clothes

@=Stevens pov=@

I ran to the temple to get some clothes, I got  
A blue shirt with some denim jeans and ran back to the forest where I found her, I covered my eyes and gave her the clothes
@=(y/n)'s pov=@

When the boy gave me the clothes I put them on as quick as possible, when I was done I tapped his shoulder to tell him I was done, then the boy looked at my h/c hair and told me I should come with him to get showered up. When we made it to the "temple" I walked upstairs and knocked on the door, a tall pale skinned woman answered, I spoke with a faint "hi?"  The boy then told me about the gems  and how they save the earth and stuff. I walk into the bathroom and wash my s/c skin and my h/c hair, when I was done I dried myself off with a rose colored towel put the clothes on then walked out, on my way to the couch I was greeted by two other "gems" a tall reddish-purple gem, and a shorter purple one. I said hi then walked over to the couch.

@=author note=@

I know this fanfic is flopping but I'm bored and I wanna make y'all happy:)

-235 words

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