However, both you and Lesso's favorite activity had to be the night she organized stargazing from the observatory at the top of the Castle for Good.

She'd made the mistake of bringing along a bottle of whiskey and jokingly made a bet with Lesso that she could outdrink her. Lesso obviously won. But a drunken Dovey was a memory neither of you were ever going to forget; or let her live down.

Now that Dovey knew about you and Lesso's relationship, Lesso didn't make a point to hide her affection in front of other people. She wasn't all over you in any way, but she didn't worry as much to sit next to you at meals, engage in conversations, or call you darling or my dear in public.

The first time Anemone heard it she nearly choked on her breakfast. Her face made you laugh so hard your orange juice came out of your nose.

As the first few weeks went on, the news of your relationship spread like wildfire. Almost every day you had someone new coming up and congratulating you or passing by you in the hallway whispering to their friends about it.

And though being the main topic of conversation like this wasn't really your favorite thing, you were glad the conversations were only about your relationship with Lesso, and not about anything else you'd been trying to hide.


"Alright everyone, have a seat! We have much to discuss!" Dovey cooed, as she stood at the head of the professors table. She had called a meeting to talk about how the first few weeks of school were going and get everyone up to speed on what she and Lesso had come up with to replace the end of year Circus of Talents.

Dovey didn't usually call meetings on Saturdays mornings. But she'd been so busy with other things these first few weeks of school, that this had been the first day she had found the time. She didn't really seem to care that all the professors would have preferred to sleep in then attend her meeting.

"So, first off, I'd like to hear from all of you! How is the new semester going with all the changes we've made to the schedule? Does anyone have any issues or suggestions they'd like to discuss?" She asked.

How long do you think this meeting is going to take?  You asked Lesso from across the table.

Well it's Clarissa so probably longer than necessary. Lesso shrugged. Why? You have somewhere you need to be?

You smiled. Well as a matter of fact I do. It's called my bed! Why did she have to have this meeting at 8 in the morning! My weekend duties don't start until 4! I could've at least slept til noon!

Lesso let out a small sighing laugh through her nose. Yeah, nice try little starling. But we both know you wouldn't have made it til noon. You would've needed a cup of coffee before then or you'd be a nightmare for the rest of the day.

Your eyebrows knit together. Hurtful but true. I can admit I do need a caffeine boost in the mornings.

Maybe that's why I'm so grumpy. You complained. You made us late; so I didn't get a chance to grab a cup before coming here.

Lesso's eyebrows rose. You didn't seem too upset about it earlier. But that's fine. If you don't want me to eat out for breakfast anymore, just say the word and I'll stop.

She gave you a mischievous grin as her gaze lowered, so that she was staring at you through her eyelashes. Lesso truly was evil sometimes.

You crossed your legs and bit the inside of your lip as you swallowed hard. Now hang on...let's not be too hasty about this.

The Gift of Good and EvilWhere stories live. Discover now