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The following morning Lesso left your room fairly early to meet with Dovey and the two readers. Which was fine with you, as it meant Dovey wouldn't be anywhere near you when you started setting up for the ball.

You, Pollux, and Anemone met in the Grand Hall of the Castle for Good a little after 9 to begin setting up. With the three of you, and magic, you assumed it would only take you until about lunch time to get everything set up the way Dovey had instructed. Which gave everyone else plenty of time to finish all the other tasks Dovey had assigned to do before tomorrow evening.

Pollux was also in charge of music, which meant she had to enchant all the musical instruments and set up a music list. Anemone was helping out with the food; to which she had assured you your favorite dessert, sugarberry tea cakes, were on the menu.

You had also been assigned to help with the enchantments of the decorations, which would be set up tomorrow morning before the ball. So until the decorations were brought in, once the set up was finished, you had some time to yourself.

Meanwhile, Dovey and Lesso had asked the readers to meet them in Dovey's office to figure out what to do about their...surprise appearance. Dovey sat at her desk, and Lesso stood behind her, leaning some of her weight on her cane.

"What has prompted you two to return now and want to stay? The semester itself is almost over; our mid-year break begins shortly after the ball." Dovey said, looking at the two girls who sat on the opposite side of her desk.

"We missed it here," Sophie answered. "Gavaldon is great and all, but there's just something about this place. It kept calling us back."

Dovey looked toward Agatha, waiting for her to give her own answer.

"Sophie's telling the truth," Agatha added, "we missed the school, the magic, our friends. And with the ball tomorrow, we figured we'd just come back now and enjoy the festivities."

"And what will you do over break?" Dovey asked. "Will you return to Gavaldon?"

Sophie and Agatha looked at one another. "Tedros and Hester both mentioned they were staying here this break. We were hoping we'd be allowed to as well." Agatha answered.

Lesso leaned forward to whisper in Dovey's ear from where she had stood behind her. "I don't see the harm in letting them stay. Perhaps they could spend that time catching up on what they've missed. Besides, there are other professors staying for break besides us. We can look after a few more students."

Dovey nodded.

"Alright fine, you may stay. But, you have to catch up on some of the school work you missed at the beginning of the semester. I will have the professors write up assignments for you. They must all be finished before the new semester resumes. Understood?"

The girls nodded.

Dovey smiled. "Now, off you go. Go find your friends and prepare for tomorrow's ball."

The girls giddily exited the office. As they disappeared, Lesso moved from behind Dovey and began pacing around the room.

"I still think it's a bit odd," she mumbled, "coming back now instead of after the break."

"I agree," Dovey replied, as she watched Lesso pace. "But at the same time, this is the first ball of its kind. And they didn't really get the chance to enjoy their last one. Perhaps that's all it is."

"Perhaps," Lesso repeated as she looked out the window of Dovey's office. She could see students in the gardens enjoying their free time. It was rare they got a day off from school like this.

Even mid-year breaks were rare. Winter breaks only happened during a student's second and fourth years at the school. During their first and third years, the winter holiday was spent at the school. Special classes were set up for that time that were focused around more unusual subjects, such as event planning and training magical beasts.

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