Chapter 2

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Hunter and Stephanie continued to tour the venue before leading you into a large office and handing you a glass of water.

"Let's discuss details," Stephanie said, taking a seat on a couch opposite of you.

You nodded, "Hunter filled me in, you need a realistic female counter to a badass," you said with a smile.

Hunter laughed and nodded, "and there is only one that I could think of."

Stephanie continued, "recently the Judgment Day has been wreaking havoc on the locker room. The Shield has been in an active feud, but there is no counter to Rhea Ripley."

You smiled, "she is probably the strongest you have in the business right now, it would be hard to find someone to stand against her."

Hunter nodded in agreement, "anyone would be stupid too, except you."

You took a drink of water, "so are you the matchmakers between me and the Shield?"

Stephanie smiled, "they actually requested we reach out to you, it seems they could only think of one person to have their backs too."

You laughed, "apparently my reputation is still something around here, even after all these years."

"Indeed," Stephanie replied, "they're in the building, I'll make an introduction and you can start hashing it out with them."

You nodded and Stephanie walked out the door to find the Shield, leaving you and Hunter alone.

"She's intense," he said with a laugh, "right to business."

You nodded, "it's good for business though."

Hunter smiled, "still, it's been a long time. How are you?"

You sighed, "I've been here and there, when everything fell apart back then, I just had to get away from this place. But I'd be lying to say I didn't miss it, or miss you."

Hunter smiled, "I'm glad you answered when I called, I wasn't sure you would."

"I hated you when you married Stephanie and sided with the McMahons," you replied, "but I understood. Shawn did too, eventually."

Hunter nodded in understanding, "I'm sorry I kept it from both of you, it was complicated."

"I know," you responded.

Hunter sighed, changing the subject, "these guys are the best though, I can guarantee they have your back, like Shawn and I did."

You smiled, "good, I wouldn't come back here for anything less."

Stephanie opened the door followed by three men all arguing with one another, "we needed someone," one of them said.

"How long since she's been in a fight?" another asked.

"She's the best there is."

"Are we fighting tonight?"

Stephanie smiled at you as they continued to argue with one another, "apparently I caught them at a bad time," she whispered to you.

You chuckled, standing up and clearing your throat, "are you going to bicker like children all night, or did I come here to help you?"

All of them stopped mid sentence and turned to you. You could see them sizing you up until one of them offered you his hand. "Seth Rollins," he said.

You took his hand and looked him up and down. He was lean, but you could tell there was muscle underneath, his long dark hair pulled into a low bun at the nape of his neck, "(Y/N)," you replied.

"I thought you said her name was Banchee," one of them whispered into Seth's ear.

"Ringname," Seth responded, "I said her ringname was Banchee. Please forgive my brother," Seth said with an apologetic smile, "this is Dean and Roman."

You shook each of their hands in turn. Dean looked disheveled, giving the appearance of just the right amount of crazy. Roman was tall, his muscle rippling under his shirt, he was clearly the muscle of the group.

You nodded to each of them and turned slightly to Hunter, "you were right, they have the makings of a dominant faction."

Hunter smiled and clapped you on the shoulder, "we'll leave you to discuss."

Hunter placed his hand on the small of Stephanie's back, guiding her out the door. But she stopped and turned back towards the four of you, "you have a match against the Judgement day tonight," she said with a wink before closing the door.

You sat down as the men did the same, all looking at you expectantly, "well, fill me in." 

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