Chapter 6.

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[Hey! The chapter you have all been waiting for! Btw, sun and moon show fans, don't spoil it >:c]

February 6th, 11pm, Monday.

"You aren't Sun, who are you?!" Moon asked, panic in his voice. "So you've figured me out. Hm. Well that was quicker than I expected, you are an idiot." Sun said, laughing. "Oh well, I guess you've figured I'm not Sun, but have you figured out why I'm not Sun? Why it's your fault?" Moons heart dropped as Sun stepped closer.

"Who are you..answer my question." Moon asked, a shake in his voice. "Who am I? I am Eclipse. I would say it's a pleasure but that would be a lie!" Eclipse chuckled. Moon stepped back. "Well, it seems I should get straight to the point. I need your Newton star." As Eclipse explained, moon smiled. "What? What's so funny?" Eclipse questioned. "My my, it seems I don't have the star." Moon said, grinning. "Wh..what do you mean..? You dont have it. Of course you do." Moon laughed. "It seems it's out of my possession. I must have dropped it." Eclipse frowned. "You have a week to get out of my brothers mind, Eclipse."

Moon said, now serious. "Me? A week? Ohoho. Funny. I think it's about time I took over. I give you a week to get the star. And if you dont-"
"What stopping me from stopping your plans when you take over sun's mind?"
"Oh you'll see."
And with that Eclipse fainted.

Moon rushed to Sun's side. Moments later, Sun awoke. He was breathless. "Wh..what happened?!" Sun asked, panicked.
"Sun you-"

Eclipse laughed. "You can't tell the difference between us? That's too funny!" Eclipses laughter faded out. "Alright, I'll let you talk to Sun this time." And Eclipse fainted for a second time. Sun awoke, moments later, drowsy. "Wh...what happened..? Moon?" Sun looked toward moon, terrified. "I was just in a dark place with a bunch of color cloud and then-" But Sun was cut off by moon, hugging him. "There's nothing I can do..." Moon sobbed. "What do you mean? Moon are you ok?!" Sun asked, concerned. Sun hugged Moon back.

"I can't even tell the difference between you two...sun whats the last thing you remember?!" Moon asked panicked. " seems I've been in and out of the cloudy place all week..but last thing i remember was you telling me about a Newton star..? I also helped freddy find Gregory, but the rest is a blur. Moon looked terrified. "This whole've been Eclipse?!" Moon seemed mad. But he was more terrified than anything. Moon stood up and started pacing.

"Who's eclipse..?"
"Right. You don't know.." Moon sighed. "Look sun, there's so thing I need to tell you. "Well, remember when we were in the same body? I was crazy?" Moon said, hesitantly. "Uh..huh..?" Sun said slowly. "Well, that was because of a killcode I have it mostly under control now, but that's because..of somthing...that I our body. And it..gained a sentience."

Sun's heart dropped, he stood up slowly. " a your Killcode. And it's gained a.. sentience... it's your fault?! What does he want with me?!" Sun yelled, angry. He calmed down quickly. "Sorry..what does he want with me?! Why me?!" Sun asked. "He..doesn't want you. He wants the Newton star." Sun's heart dropped. "But don't worry! I have it all taken care of." Moon said, trying to reassure Sun. "What do you mean don't worry?! Of course I'm going to worry?!" Sun yelled. Not at moon, but just in general.

"I get it..but we only have a week to figure somthing out. And there's nothing I can do!" Moon said, stiffling a sob. Sun realized their situation. "Brother...we'll figure it out! We just have to roll with the punches!" Moon sighed. "Your right. We just have to go with whatever Eclipse has planned. We'll figure somthing out."

Eclipse scoffed. 'Giving up so soon?' He thought. He stpped watching through the mindscape, [the mindscape is inside Sun's mind btw] and walked towards his new 'brother.' "Just have to get you into moons mind, Lunar." He turned Lunar on. "Whhhoa! That's funky!" Lunar said, springing to life. "Hello, lunar." Eclipse said. Lunar looked to Eclipse. "You look cool!" Lunar said, standing up.

"Your definitely nicer than bloodmoon or moon. I guess it's easier." Eclipse said. "Listen, I need to leave for a bit to transfer you to moons mind. In a week you take over, ok? I need you to study his mind and act like him when we take over." Lunar nodded. "Oki." Lunar said, looking around. Eclipse left the mindscape.

Sun fainted on a Bean bag. Eclipse decided it would be best to fake sleeping. "It's been a tough day. Get some rest." Moon said, laughing a bit. As moon walked away to charge, Eclipse got up. He walked over to the security computers, and plugged somthing in. After a few moments, moon fainted. A few seconds later, he awoke again, holding his head. As Eclipse realized moon had woken up, he let Sun back out.

As he went back into sun's mind, he now could input lunar into moons head. "Alright lunar, you're clear on the plan?" Eclipse asked. No response. "Lun-" Eclipse looked up. Lunar was doing some sort of dance. "...what are you doing." Eclipse asked. "Dancing!" Lunar replied, still dancing, "Well, are you clear on the plan?" Eclipse asked, aggressively. "Yuppers! Watch moon, act like him!" Lunar said, still stiming. " seem to move around alot. I have an idea to stop moon from doing anything.."

Eclipse pulled up some screens and started typing somthing. "Hey lunar? I need you to move around alot while moon is in the mindscape. Got it?" No response again.. "Lunar!" Eclipse yelled. "Oh! What?" Lunar asked, looking up. Eclipse sighed. Maybe he wasn't a good idea. It was better than moon foiling his plans. "I need you to move around alot when it's time to take over..ok?" Eclipse said, aggressively. "Mhm!" Lunar said, continuing to dance.

[HEY!! thanks for reading!! I've got big plans for lunar lore 😈 but i hope you have a good rest of your evening!]

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2023 ⏰

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