THE Marriage at first sight

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Aarthi looked from the window of the cab. She saw Arun for the first time but had a different feeling when she did. She came out of the car and after paying went inside the office. Arun couldn't even see her. After some time he came out of shock and started to talk to Ridhima.

"What the hell are you talking about? Are you alright?", Arun asked in a calm tone as he might have mistakenly listened to the early sentence.

"I'm alright and you've heard it right. You are going to marry. That's it.", Ridhima told in a calm tone.

"NO. A big NO.", Arun said in a stern voice.

"YES. A big YES. From the baby.", said Ridhima.
Arun is again in shock knowing how Ridhima is using the baby to make him agree. Bunny took the phone from Ridhima's hands and started talking.

"You are not willing to take a wife on your own. Then what is the problem if we select her for you?"

"It's not about having a wife. It's about me having a wife."

"Don't make a scene now. If you ever considered me a family and if you ever loved my baby just shut your mouth, go inside and marry her."
Arun is stunned by Bunny's words and doesn't know what to say. He stayed silent for a while and cut the phone call. He took a deep breath and went inside the office.

This time he can clearly see Aarthi's face and vice versa. They locked their eyes together until both were just inches apart.


'OMG. Is he the person I am going to marry? He is handsome.', my conscience murmured. He walked towards me and forwarded his hand. I am still shocked but composed myself and shook my hand with his.

"Hello. I am Arun.", he said.

"Hello. I am Aarthi.", I said still looking at him.

Silence beamed in between us and was soon broken by the officer who asked us to start the formalities.
I felt a different feeling for sure. I don't know what is it or maybe I don't want to name it. Without a word, we completed the process and were handed our malas in our hands. All this while I did not see him and am sure he didn't look at me either.

As soon as I took the garland I turned towards him and gave a smile looking into his eyes. Without any expression, he bent a little for me to put around his neck. He did the same but I did not bend as he is almost 6"1 I guess. A photographer came in and asked for a family photo. I stood beside him, very near and I can feel his arm touching mine.
'Surely he has a gym body. I can feel his bicep touching me.', again my conscience.

I smiled and after the photo, I took our marriage certificate from the officer and my father started talking.

"Chalo beta. Before the auspicious time go away you need to start moving to Mumbai."

"But Dad, I don't have any of my things packed.", I said it both as a concern and a reason to not go with him today.

"We already did.", Came in my mom fully prepared pointing towards the packed suitcases.

'Aarthi no reason now you have to go.'

'But I'm not prepared.'

'You can during the journey. Anyway, it'll be almost 13 hours.'


"Ok", I mumbled.

My father started loading the luggage into his car and Arun started helping him. I turned toward my mom and she started crying.
I got tensed all of a sudden and held her shoulder," Maa, what happened? Why are you crying?"

"Nothing. Now you are married and will go away leaving us alone.", She said sniffling.

I rolled my eyes and saw my father is also saddened and Arun is emotionless but still looking at us.
"It's okay maa. All of us are already accustomed to it. I left our home and went to a hostel when I am 13 years old. Now nothing new is going to happen. I will come whenever I want to see you and you can come whenever you want to see me.", I said trying to calm her down.

"But still you are not our Aarthi now. You are Mrs.Aarthi Arun Kumar. Things will be different.", She said still crying.

'Bapre. I didn't even realize. Everything will change. I am a married woman now. God. I need to talk to him.'

"Nothing will change. She is your daughter first.", I came out of my thoughts when I listened to Arun saying this promisingly to my mom. My heart smiled and yeah he surely got an extra point. He smiled at my mom, who is still crying. His smile surely has some soothing feeling which made me smile unknowingly.

"Take care of her beta.", My father said and Arun nodded. He turned towards me and said, "Take care of him.". I nodded.

After a little while we bid final goodbye to my parents and sat in his car. He started to drive and I waved at my parents through the window. After I lost them from my sight I turned to face the front glass and closed the window.

I sighed and looked at my watch. It was 12:00 PM. It's going to be a long ride. We will reach his home by midnight. I took a look at him. He was concentrating on the road. I rested my head on the back of my seat and closed my eyes. My phone conversation with my dad popped into my head.


My phone rang while I was resting in my guest room after the flag hoisting in PMO. I looked at the ID and it was my dad.

"Hello, Dad."

"Hello, thalli. Are you busy?"

"No Dad. Tell me."

"I want to say something about Arun."

"Arun? Who is he?"

" The one you are going to marry tomorrow."

I straightened on my bed.

"I'm listening Dad."

"He is an employee in TAK companies. He earns well. He is also working on a startup related to some bikes. He owns a flat in Mumbai. He doesn't have a family. I mean you don't have in-laws. He doesn't smoke or drink. He has a friend named Bunny. Bunny and his wife Ridhima are the only family he has."
He stopped for a while and I was still trying to understand everything he said but he continued.
"I didn't select him because he earns well or he doesn't have parents. I selected him because I FELT HE IS THE ONE FOR YOU."

I stopped thinking about everything. I can feel the sincerity in his words.

"Dad. I told yes because I mean it. I believe in myself and also you."

"Thanks, beta. See you tomorrow."

"Bye, Dad.

Flashback ends.

I didn't know when I slept thinking about my phone call.

"Aarthi. Aarthi.", I came out of my deep slumber with a low husky voice. I opened my eyes and saw Arun with narrowed eyes. He is looking at me. I soon realized the present and suddenly straightened myself in the passenger seat.

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