Rain: people said if you get drunk you forget about all the things what give you pain.

Ple: so you want to get drunk and party. 🤨 you know you are 16 right ?

Rain: yes I know.  And I do know someone who is 16 but went to Clubbing , drink and had a older boyfriend..

Ple: ok I will help.  You are my best friend  anyway.

Rain: you are still dating him... Ple you are 16 and he is an adult.. you know. One second does he even know you are 16?

Ple looking everywhere but at him..

Rain: Pleeee..... everyone will think he is the wrong but it's you who is lying.

Ple : Rain please.  I know.  What you are saying.  I will tell him but please not now. I will tell him all the truth after my birthday. Please Rain (almost begging ) he is the first person who treat me well who really take care of me.. please Rain let me some more time with him. I know after knowing the truth he will leave me.. I know but please...

Rain: okay but you know... the more time you take the more it going to be hurt .

She nodded and Rain wiped her tears.

Ple :  By the way  . You want to clubbing in school uniform. ( looking up and down at Rain) really..

Rain: Aaaa give me 30 minutes.. I will be back with some good I think ( looking at himself in the t mirror)

Ple: no need ..I still have the dress you refuse to take..

Rain: But Ple that very expensive....

Ple : doesn't matter because the store say they can't take it back I don't have the receipt . So take it or not the money already gone...

Rain: But Ple...

Ple : ooooiiiii..... don't be like this. I can clearly see that you don't want to go the home that's why you are here... And you would dress well because there a VIP party tonight.  And you never no you can find a Alpha for yourself and you know 😎😎😎😎😎

Rain: eeeeuuuuuuu.... Ple...

Ple: what..... I say never know... you don't go out... how will you know... and a good fuck can make you forget everything... ha ha ha.

Rain: PLEEEEEE.......


About 2 hour later

Rain and Ple now standing in front of a famous and expensive Clubhouse. There is a big line in front of him to enter the club. 

Rain: Ple are you sure it's the right place.  It's look very expensive. Can we afford even water here?

Ple: ( just end a call ) don't worry we are guest here so everything free for us.

Ple cut through the line and show the guards in front of the club door her phone  and they immediately let them in .

Rain: what was that?

Ple: I just show them my invitation it was in my phone .

Rain stop her and take her in a corner with less people.

Rain:  a VIP invitation ? Please tell me what's going on. I want to party tonight.  It's true.  But I don't want to get into any difficult situation you know my family condition so please tell me in details who actually is the host of the party. And we are safe here or not ?

Ple: it's a party thrown by my boyfriend and his friends for their another friends who place second place in a worldwide competition . He is very upset because couldn't win the first place so to change him up they through this party . Don't worry I told my boyfriend that you are coming with me and as I told you my boyfriend is good person .

Rain still not convinced...

Rain:  you know what I am regretting my decision right now. I don't think I cannot be with a bunch of stranger and drink all night.

Ple took a drink from a passing by waitress.

Ple: drink it.

Rain: NOOOO( Ple show him a pleading eye ) aaaa okeeee...

He drink it in one go and start coughing . Ple rubbed his back and when he stop coughing Ple hold his face and look in his eyes.

Ple : Rain listen  carefully okay.  ( Rain nodded) if you want people don't judge you and don't give you the sympathy look . Then  strangers are the best in this situation . Because they didn't know your past or present self or the situation you are in right now . Whatever you are going to tell them is that truth for them .  You want a day without any responsibility so be it . Be surrounded with the strangers who doesn't know . They will not judge you and very next day you are a stranger they are stranger back to your normal life.

Rain: you have a point..

Ple: Seee. Let's go find the Alpha for you then you can spend the night with him let out all that tension  have a steamy  sex just say goodbye to your virginity....

Rain slapped her head.

Ple:  Aaaa what was that for...?

Rain: Really....( Ple give him another drink)

Ple:  I am just saying , it's all up to you okay. Have sex or not I don't care . Just be yourself forget Everything . Tonight is only yours  and no on going to stop you.

Rain took two more drink..

Rain: Aaaaaaa let go meet your old guy...

Ple : hey hey he is out of your  list . Mark it ?

Rain: I saw his picture and he is definitely not my type so don't  worry..

They are talking and walking and went throw the crowd of people and finally stop front of a glass door.

Ple open the door for Rain as for fun....

But when the door opened and he entered the room Rain froze in his place looking at something.

Looking at Rain. Ple look at the way he was looking and mumbled to herself  ' I guess you did find a Alpha for yourself tonight'

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