Start from the beginning

CAP [D]: That's why the samurais have fallen.

CAP [D]: However, if mankind continued to evolve...

CAP [D]: ... we never ceased to value our traditions...

CAP [D]: ... and still meditate on their precepts.

CAP [D]: We pray to our ancestors --
CAP [D]: -- "Those we came to remember", my mother used to say --
CAP [D]: -- to ask them for guidance and protection...
CAP [D]: ... with the promise that -- in return -- we will honor them.

 with the promise that -- in return -- we will honor them

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CAP [D]: Honor...

CAP [D]: ... must be restored.

CAP [D]: My lady...
CAP [D]: ... I beg you to forgive me...
CAP [D]: ... but in order to achieve this purpose...
CAP [D]: ... I have to enter the Meifumado...
CAP [D]: ... accepting all the reversals of Rikudo Shisho.

 accepting all the reversals of Rikudo Shisho

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CAP [N]: Test.
CAP [N]: One -- two.
CAP [N]: If the settings are correct, this application should write everything down as i speak.
CAP [N]: It surely will result in significant time-saving.
CAP [N]: I never was much of a typer anyway.

CAP [N]: The doctor asked me to keep some kind of logbook --
CAP [N]: -- he believes that a good therapy gives more satisfying results than any other treatment I could get.

CAP [N]: Since I stubbornly refrain from talking during each session, a diary doesn't sound like a bad idea.
CAP [N]: We'll see how it goes.

CAP [N]: I didn't cry at the funerals

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CAP [N]: I didn't cry at the funerals.
CAP [N]: I don't think I ever mourned anyone -- family or friend -- not even my own mother.
CAP [N]: Living in a house deprived of love and tenderness -- it couldn't be any different.

CAP [N]: Though she cared enough to support me in my studies and paid for my activities -- without complaining as I continuously quitted.
CAP [N]: She did as good as any single mother would, I guess -- and I'm grateful.

CAP [N]: When I ultimately got things in order, I found an old dusty picture...
CAP [N]: ... with a name on it.
CAP [N]: It led to a phone number and an address.
CAP [N]: Will i find what I'm looking for here ?

YUKI: Our client sent us a MESSAGE earlier today

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YUKI: Our client sent us a MESSAGE earlier today.
TAKAHASHI: Would you so kind as to READ it for me, Yuki-san ?
YUKI: I'll do my best to SUMMARIZE.

YUKI: There's a genuine CONCERN about the efficiency of the PRODUCT.
YUKI: If cell TESTS met their expectations, the thirty percent FAILURE rate on living subjects -- added to our inability to cure PNEUMONIC variants -- leaves much to be desired.

TAKAHASHI: Send them our latest REPORTS to show the PROGRESS we're making in that AREA.

YUKI: The question of the VACCINE -- its heavy side-effects -- as well as the INTEGRITY of storage, transport and production FACILITIES were also raised.
TAKAHASHI: A TOUR of the premises will surely REASSURE those cautious MINDS.

TAKAHASHI: We've come so FAR to GIVE up just NOW.

CAP [N]: Sukunah Pharmaceutics --CAP [N]: -- where a brighter future awaits

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CAP [N]: Sukunah Pharmaceutics --
CAP [N]: -- where a brighter future awaits.
CAP [N]: National leader in medical research and drug manufacturing --
CAP [N]: -- but also his workplace --

CAP [N]: -- my father's.


NAOKI: S-sorry.
NAOKI: I have an APPOINTMENT with the director.
RECEPTIONIST: You must be NAOKI -- Takahashi-sama' son, is that RIGHT ?

RADIO: PHOENIX leader to YOKAI unit -- do you READ ?DAISUKE: Loud and CLEAR

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RADIO: PHOENIX leader to YOKAI unit -- do you READ ?
RADIO: Status REPORT -- confirm that your cover hasn't been COMPROMISED.



GEEK: Whatever HAPPENS, happens.

BODYGUARD: Affirmative.

DRIVER: It's alright

RADIO: Ten-four --
RADIO: -- MISSION begins in T minus fifteen MINUTES --
RADIO: -- You know what you HAVE to do.

DRIVER: It's alrightRADIO: Ten-four --RADIO: -- MISSION begins in T minus fifteen MINUTES --RADIO: -- You know what you HAVE to do

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CAP [D]: Finally...

CAP [D]: ... here we are...

CAP [D]: ... it is time...

CAP [D]: ... there is no turning back now.



MEIFUMADO - CHAPTER I (PART ONE) PREVIEWWhere stories live. Discover now