Chapter 6: Give Up

Start from the beginning

A lot of people started to grumble and show their dissatisfaction

"But I know better now, I won't let Ryuuen trick me again, so I'd like one more chance in the next possible exam"

He's very strong willed I'll give him that

"Wouldn't the leadership role move quicker if you just give it up right now? You won't let Ryuuen-kun trick you again? It's already happened once, what's stopping it from happening a second time. Do you plan on running Class A down into the dirt?" Arisu pressed him

"I'd like one more chance please, I've learned from my mistakes" He said

He started to gather some positivity from his followers

"Fine then, your funeral"

With that me and Arisu left with Hashimoto, Kamuro, and Kito following behind

I went back to my room to shower and get a clean set of clothes for the meeting later with Arisu.

I left to head to a restaurant where Arisu was having a meeting with the rest of her supporters to discuss various topics and future plans.

2 days had passed and things have been going smoothly so far, I've mostly been spending time with Arisu, sometimes we would just sit by the deck and just enjoy each other's company.

Right now I was just in my room reading when I got a text message saying to head to room in 4 hours, this must be the start of another exam.

It was time for the meeting and I headed for the room, when I entered there was Katsuragi, Nishikawa, and Matoba. Chabashira-sensei was here as well but she tensed up a bit when she saw me.

She then explained the new exam, it was called the zodiac exam. There are 12 groups and us 4 are one of the groups. There is a VIP in each of the groups and we have to find out who they are. There are 4 different outcomes for this exam, the best way was to find the other VIP's. We also have to protect our own VIP's as well.

She gave us a list of all the names in our group called dragon group. These groupings were no coincidence, there were important figures from each class in this group, Katsuragi, Kanzaki, Ryuuen, Hirata, and Horikita. Odd how Ichinose isn't here, but why was I placed here?

The meeting was now over but Chabashira-sensei was looking at me as if she wanted to say something, so while everyone was leaving I stayed behind.

"What do you want?" I asked

"I'll make it quick, please help Class D"

"No" I instantly replied and started to leave

"Please! I'll help you out in anyway in exchange, getting help from a teacher is very valuable"

"Why is it that your so interested in me? I'm just an average student"

"That's not true, you scored 50 in the entrance exam, you obviously manipulated your scores"

"It was a coincidence"

"I highly doubt that, so will you accept my deal?"

While she's not wrong, a teachers help is valuable, I could break some rules and she could just overlook it, however

"I have no use for that, I don't intend on getting involved in the first place, now I would appreciate it if you could stop trying to use me" I glared at her a little then turned to leave

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