Introduction and story track

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Main leads

Karan Shergil

Monami Mahajan

Additional characters

Faiz-uddin Siddiqui~ Karan's friend
Suhana Shergil~ Karan's mother
Sooraj Shergil~Karan's father

Story track

Here Karan is businessman
Monami is last year student in medical College

Karan have Mom-Dad and friend in his family where as monami have only uncle and aunt in her family

Karan 's father got heart attack and he wished for karan to get married so he searched for a girl who can act as his wife and after some they'll will get fake divorce

Yeh do Dil kaise Banege ek Jaan sirf ek contract se yeh janne ke liye dekhte...ooops....padhte rahe


~ by Author Ipshita

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