Ayesha- The Morning

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POV- Third Person
The man came closer, he held a knife. There was blood dripping off the tip of the knife. But the rest was so clear that she could see her reflection, and the horrified face staring back. She tried to look at the man's face but- it was blank, nothing, no one, no clue as to who was attacking her. She tried to reach her arm up but the knife pierced through her hand. Then suddenly there was an ear-piercing scream from across the room. The corner was dark and filled with the nightmare, but she couldn't tell who the scream had come from. Was it herself? Or possibly....her...mother? All she could see was.....The blood. The BLOOD. THE BLOOD. SPILLING OUT. SPLATTERED ONTO THE WALL. ON HER. EVERYWHERE!
(end of flashback)

   Ayesha gasped for a breath, clenching the blanket whole covered in sweat. 'Deep breaths deep breaths deep breaths deep breaths'. The nightmares were a nightly routine by now, keeping her from sleeping most nights. She never fully remembered her so-called "dreams". Only bits and pieces that would haunt her through the day. Were they real? Ayesha couldn't tell.

POV- Ayesha
    It's 5 am. Too early for me but I yank myself out of bed anyway. The sun was rising and it came through as a sliver in my bedroom. I think I have enough time for a shower. Yes, yes I do! [Time skip to after the shower] As I'm drying my hair I look at the scar on my hand, before the bad thoughts take over I quickly calm myself and play some music. As I rock out to my awesome playlist, I put on some sweatpants and a tank top with my oversized hoodie. Oh, and my hat. And bag. And keys. Now I'm ready! As I walk down the stairs I wonder if I locked my door. I did. I didn't. I did. I didn't. I DID. The matter is settled. And with that, I walk to the coffee shop next door to my apartment, Coffee House. Every Tuesday I order myself a chai latte and Val a mocha with extra whipped cream. When I walk out the door, I see my best friend, Valerie (Val for short), ready with my mouth-watering bacon and cheese bagel.

   This has been our routine, ever since Val moved down the street.

"Hellooo!!!!" Val sings as she greets me.

"Heyyyy!!" I say, a little less enthusiastic than her.

'I don't know how she's so energetic this early in the morning. It kills me.' I think.

"Ready?" she starts

"Set...." I answer.

"Go!!!" We shout together.

  With that, we take off racing to the gym around the corner. I win every other day, since Val doesn't know about my powers I let her win 50% of the time. One thing that keeps me up at night is wondering what would happen if she found out about who I was. Would she be mad that I didn't tell her? What if....? What if...? WHAT IF? What if I push those thoughts AWAY for now?! Great idea.

   Those thoughts are one of the multiple causes of my anxiety. Oh, Val also knows about my insomnia, anxiety, panic attacks, and yada yada yada. She's so supportive, and I've known her since I was in college. We grew closer when I woke up screaming one night from a nightmare. and she calmed me down while we talked about anything and everything. We were roommates)

"I won!!! Yes!!" Val cheers.

"I know, I know..you beat me!" I answer.

We take a seat on the bench for a 3-minute breathing break, then head into the gym. Today was leg day, I LOVE leg day. Val and I had formed a routine schedule for our gym, meet-ups, and pretty much everything we do together. She's the crazy one and I'm the down-to-earth one, at least that's what I think.

   We start with the treadmill then- *buzz buzz* 'Oh shoot [don't worry I won't swear in this story :)] a villain is attacking nearby.' I fake an emergency and run back to my apartment to get my suit on. Yes, I've had multiple suits-but this one is BY FAR my favorite. It's a slip-on suit that is skin-tight, breathable, moveable, strong/durable, and AMAZING. It's all black except for some highlight of purple (my favorite color), I like to think I look pretty cute-hot- *cough cough*. And the mask covers my face but has a cool design [imagine anything you want 😅] AND YES my hair is still flawless but unrecognized. To the public I'm known as Olympia. Its a title I've earned from helping people all over the world.

   And with that, I take off, flying to the desired destination. It's easy to spot with the explosion and amateur hero's getting blown away.

As I'm flying, I can see my new opponent. They're blasting buildings down with ease. But when I get a closer look their mask doesn't cover their face only the skin around their eyes, their dark brown eyes. I can only catch a glimpse but somehow they look so familiar, so welcoming.

'Brin,' I think.

'Brin? Wha-who is that, why are they in my head?' My internal voice questions.

POV- Third Person
   The girls almost fly together on the swings. Their happiness is radiating off of them, the girl is speaking but cannot be heard in the memory. Ayesha watches as the same eyes turn away from her with fear covering every inch. Now she's screaming, screaming what looks like warnings. Now someone else is here, they look menacing.
(end of flashback)

POV- Third Person
'Was that the same person?' Wondered Ayesha.
"No time to think about it right now." She said out loud.

   Ayesha flew over to the villain and used her usual lives, side punch then her fastest under a punch to catch them off guard and maybe added a kick if the first two didn't do anything. Then she would use her other powers to beat them in any way possible. But this villain didn't give her a chance.

   By the time they had finished she was covered in bruises and almost falling over, and the villain only had a few scratches with their hair slightly out of the ponytail.

"I had fun today, let's do this again." Said the unnamed opponent.

"It's Shimmer, nice to meet you," Shimmer said as she held out her hand for Ayesha.

"I assume you already my name," Ayesha responded, getting up by herself.

"Indeed I do, well, till next time," Shimmer added as she disappeared.

   She flew to the closest place, Valerie's house, using the remaining bit of her energy. It was a risk, and she knew that it meant coming clean to her about who she secretly was. But Ayesha knew there was no way of getting to her own home, and just this morning she had realized that her first aid kit was one bandaid away from empty.

   Ayesha came to a stop and walked up the stairs to avoid being seen. The stairs screened with every store and the white walls crept around her. She knocked on her friend's door.

"Just a minute!!!" Valerie yelled
  Val opened the door, just as Ayesha was about to fall through it. Luckily, Val caught her.

"Aye- OLYMPIA?!?!" She responded.

"Help." She whispered as she lost conciseness.
Everything faded around her.

OK OK, this chapter may have been boring but, it's my first story GIVE ME A BREAK. So give it a chance too, please!
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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2023 ⏰

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