CHAPTER EIGHT, no scientific bias whatsoever - part two

Start from the beginning

Winnie shares a confused look with Brooke before they both look back at Ashley. "Why would you think we know that?" Brooke questioned.

"Shellfish." Ashley got out shellfish from the fridge and closed the door. 

"Of course." Brooke slowly nodded.

"Right, 'cause we would've totally known that." Winnie sarcastically said. 

Ashley then began to rub the headband over the shellfish. "You know, before you moved back, I didn't spend my days like this." Brooke admitted.

"Yeah, me neither." Winnie chuckled.

Ashley sniffs the headband. "It's not quite Tad. Something's missing." She opened a magazine on the table pulls off an Axe Body Spray sample and began to rub it on the headband.

"Good call on the Axe Body Spray sample." Winnie nodded.

Ashley holds up the headband for her friends to smell it. "Bold, yet understated." Brooke comments. "With a hint of fish."

"Bandy 2.0 turned out to be perfect." Winnie smiles. "Now it just needs to be lucky." Ashley sends her a look. "Totally kidding." Winnie quickly added with a chuckle.

When Victor walked in, Ashley quickly handed the headband to Brooke and she hid it. Victor wore a fancy blue suit which surprised Winnie because she didn't think he would wear something like that. "Hey, girls." Victor greeted with a smile.

"What's with the fancy suit?" Ashley inquired.

"Oh, this old thing?" Victor smirked and did a 360 spin. Winnie snickered when she noticed the tag on the back of it. 

"The tag's still on." Ashley points out. She glances at the tag. "Nordstrom Rack? Ooh-la-la."

"Oh, don't pull that off." Victor stops her from pulling off the tag. "This has to go back." He hid the tag under the suit.

"Does this new look have something to do with a Sports Illustrated interview tonight?" Ashley questioned. 

"Yes," Victor nods. "I gotta make sure I look like a winner, and for insurance, I have a few tricks up my sleeve...And one in my pocket." He pulled out a set of keys to a Ferrari.

"Woah." Winnie's eyes widen with surprise. "No way."

"Did you buy a Ferrari?" Ashley asked with surprise.

"I did...." Victor smiles. "For ten hours."


The football game has been in full swing so far. Winnie was on the field in position as quarterback and the whistle just blew. "Ready? Set....Wait, no." She stands, earning confused looks from the opposing players, but her teammates knew exactly what she was doing since this was how they planed this play. "This ball doesn't look right. It looks flat. We can't play with a flat ball. Let me see?" She walks over to the player on her team in front of her, who handed her the ball. She nods and made it look like she was walking over to the ref. "Yep, yeah." She grimaces. " Definitely flat. Should give this to the ref to check it out."

"Oh, yeah, but I should mention that first I'm going for a touchdown!" She exclaimed excitedly as she took off into a sprint with the football heading to the touchdown. The players on Narbonne's football team exchanged confused and surprised looks before they all quickly ran after her. Everyone on Crown City High side of the crowd cheered loudly as Winnie got close to the goal. 

Winnie's teammates were quick to follow, blocking the others from trying to get to her as she reached the goal. "I think that was a touchdown!" She shouted excitedly, jumping up and down out of excitement while the whistle blew. She was happy that her plan actually worked. She didn't think it would but she was relieved it did. 

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