Our Second Date

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My heart races as I wait eagerly for my crush, Victor Underwood, to arrive. He surprises me with a car from Uber, and on the way to the restaurant he hands me a special present: a bag of my favorite black licorice. 

"That's for my one true love," he says sweetly. 

We go to a Blueberries restaurant and pass the night away chatting and laughing. Next, he takes me to a secret rave at Mount Juliet Christian Academy, and the music and lights fill me with dance and excitement. 

After, Victor takes me back to his bedroom. I can't believe my eyes! The bed is covered in jellybeans, which is totally disgusting and random. I'm even more surprised as he takes his shirt off, revealing a huge tattoo of a purple octopus on his chest. Feeling completely amazed by my dream date with Victor, I know that this is a night I'll never forget.

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