Post-Blip Two

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Four months after Avengers: Endgame/Two months before The Falcon and the Winter Soldier

Helen emerged from the bathroom at the hospital and one of her coworkers, Haley, said, "Are you all right?"

Helen nodded. "I've just been feeling ill lately." She grabbed a pregnancy test from a drawer nearby.

"Do you think so?"

"I'm hoping so. Cover me?"

"Of course."

Helen made her way to the bathroom and took the test. After waiting the designated amount of time, she saw two pink lines; one fainter than the other.


"There are two lines, but it could be a false positive."

"I don't know, Helen. You feel ill and you have a positive test."

"I'll take more over the course of the next couple days to make sure I know for certain."

"Fair enough."

Heln turned to see her husband. "What are you doing here?"

"A check-up, and I figured I'd come see you before therapy."

"Oh, yeah, we have that. I completely forgot."

"I can see how," he joked, noticing what she was holding. "Are you?"

"I've only taken the one. But there are two lines."

"She's been sick," Haley added.

"I know she has," Bucky replied. "Helen, you're a nurse. What does your knowledge tell you?"

Helen thought for a moment. "Well, I'm late, and I'm never late. I've been feeling nauseous over the past couple weeks, and this test is positive. But it could be a false positive."

"Do you believe that? Because it seems to me there are more indicators that we're gonna have a baby."

A smile formed on her face. "Well, based on what I know, and the indicators over the past couple weeks, I think we're expecting. Bucky, this is... I don't know how to fathom this."

Bucky smiled. "I do." He pulled her close and kissed her.

Haley looked between her friend and her husband. "Congrats, you two!"

"Thank you," Helen and Bucky replied.

"If you really are, Helen, this is amazing."

Helen nodded. "After the life he and I've lived, yes, it truly is."

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