Such A Liar + Holiday Invites

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Leyanis POV
I didn't believe Karim until I heard Jobes side.

"Thanks for hearing what I had to say and know I will never do that,"Jobe stated.
It turnt out that Jobe didn't cheat and that was photos from his ex (Sasha) and him when they were dating."Leyani?"Jobe asked."Yes?"I replied.
"Will You come to the Maldives with me, my brother, my mum and my dad, you could bring your mum if you want?"Jobe mentioned."Yes I will come!"I exclaimed full of excitement.We had decided to head to a McDonald's and eat inside."what do you want.I'm getting a Big Mac chocolate shake and large chips,"Jobe asked
"I'll get a filet o'fish a chocolate shake and medium chips." I replied. Jobe had gone up to order as I followed behind."hey what would you like handsome?"the lady asked putting her hands on Jobe.From my time knowing Jobe I knew he was a shy person so I stood in front of him and ordered."A Big Mac, a filet o'fish 2x chocolate shakes and one medium and one large chips,"I answered giving her a dirty look
"It's not like you guys are dating so why are you angry?"the women said shrugging her shoulders sarcastically."Hey!Don't talk to her like that!"Jobe shouted out of the blue
"Well at least my father isn't dead"the women replied clearly talking to me, tears flowed out my eyes as I ran out of the McDonald's and headed home.
Jobes POV
"Hey Leyani wait up," I said "shame on you for making her cry,"
"Well I only really wanted you for your brother,"the lady stated arrogantly
I ran back to Leys house just to find her lying pale on the floor with blood on her arms...

That's The Truth:Jobe Bellingham X Leyani Avon Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя