Second Day +Movie Night

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Treys POV
As me and Leyani left our home and hopped on the bus,We seated ourselves at the back and talked about football.Me and Leyani had always been big Manchester United Fans and we had been able to get vip tickets for their match against Liverpool.When the 2nd bus stop came Karim hopped on the bus and came up the stairs.I knew something was dodgy about him as he sat next to Leyani and slung his arm round her shoulder.I could tell she didn't like it so i did as I should and i...

Leyanis POV
After Karim entered the bus he sat down next to me.I absolutely hated it until Trey stood up and punched him and Karim pounced on my brother swinging out a knife."NOO!" I screamed blocking Trey and Karim slicing my eyebrow.It was our stop so me and Trey ran of and into school.

Jobes POV
When I arrived something caught my eye."LEYANI,TREY!"I shouted.Leyani turnt to face me and i was shocked all i saw was blood."Ley calm down,"i said after noticing she was hyperventilating.I took her and Trey to my house as my dad was at work
"Who done this?" I asked curiously whilst standing inbetween her legs wiping her blood."It was Karim he had a knife with him," she said explaining the situation "OH THAT SON OF A BITCH!"I Shouted."No it's fine I already called the police,"She replied calming me down."How about we have a MOVIE NIGHT!!"I exclaimed.Trey had decided he would go home to get some sleep.


Leyani.AV:Movie night with @Jobe Bellingham

PINNED📌Jobe Bellingham:Awhh Movie Night With You Ley❤

SashaHaywood:Jobeee what about me😭😭😭

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Jobe Bellingham

Jobe Bellingham:Movie Night With @Leyani

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Nobodies POV
Jobe and Leyani Argued on what too put on until they decided on Bird Box.
Leyani had gotten so scared she asked Jobe"Can I sit with you it's to scary,"Leyani Said.
"Yes come here,"Jobe replied whilst opening his arms for Leyani to lie in.
Leyani took a deep breath as she inhaled Jobes scent.

Leyanis POV
Jobe smelt amazing I wish it would last forever.As i felt so comfortable I fell into a light sleep."Goodnight Ley love you,"Jobe Whispered."Huh,"I said  hearing what he said."Goodnight Ley,"Jobe whispered.
"Goodnight J," I replied shutting my eyes and falling into a deep sleep 

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