3-3: A Dance in Katakami Bay

Start from the beginning

"I had hoped we could be more civil!" Ritsuki quickly yelled out as he readjusted and made a move, this demon deserved no further words either of goodwill or charity.

Taken by surprise as the boy lifted his chained arm over his shoulder with incredible strength, Ritsuki made to slam the demon's back onto the floor of his boat.

Seeing this, the demon swivelled his neck at an unnatural angle, making it so that he landed on his arms and legs. He gave Ritsuki a sadistic smile when the boy gasped in surprise.

"Oh, ho ho... This one is strong also..." The demon cackled, biting down harder on the chain wrapped around the boy's forearm.

Ritsuki held onto his father's sword with his left hand, and as such was unable to retaliate with his right hand which was free.

The boy seemed to be out of options to attack before he took in a sharp breath, balling up his empty fist as he reared back his arm.

The demon saw this and decided to do nothing, only responding with a smirk. Even if the boy was strong, he was still a human. How hard could a mere human possibly punch?

"Hah!" Ritsuki's fist turned into a blur as it flew for the demon's exposed nose bridge, the boy tugging back on his chained left forearm as he threw the punch.

The demon quickly released his bite as he reeled his head in blaring pain, stumbling back. Blood sprayed from the fresh open wound before it healed, trailing a crimson line from his nose to his chin.

As he regained his balance, the demon's eyes refocused just in time to see Ritsuki rear his sword arm, clearly aiming to strike for his neck.

Pushing off his feet, the demon plunged the stern of the boat into the water and made the boy stumble in his steps before he could take the swing.

Diving back into the water with a flip, Ritsuki was left alone on top as he regained his balance.

"Ah, as I feared... it's so hard to keep my balance..." the boy grumbled and shook his head.

The boat's rocking had made it difficult for him to gain a firm foothold.

Readjusting his grip, he levelled his father's tachi with his eyes and swivelled on his heel, scanning the rippling waters around his boat.

It was with a sudden jerk, the front of the boat plunged down while the stern lifted itself out of the water, the boy's balance was compromised further but he was quick to catch himself.

Ritsuki heard a ripple in the water and managed to trail with his eyes the line of foam moving for the boat's rear.

With a sudden jerk again, the back of the boat plunged down while the front end lifted, catapulting Ritsuki onto his back with a heavy thud.

"Ough..." The boy groaned as he gripped the boat's wooded brim, pushing off the floor as he got onto his feet.

Looking around rather frantic, the demon had once again disappeared into the depths of the bay. From the corner of his eye, Ritsuki's expression strained when his thoughts once again drifts to the other fishing boat in the bay with him, Hiroki's.

He couldn't guarantee the younger boy's safety if the demon decided to switch targets.

"I suppose the fault is mine, I should have seen him home..." Ritsuki mumbled to himself as he adjusted his stance once again, he only wished Hiroki would get the hint and go back to the fishery. He could think of no ways his self-proclaimed disciple could be of help other than as a distraction or bait.

"Alright then, that's what I'll do..." he said to himself with a firm nod at the mention of the word 'bait' in his mind.

Using Hiroki as bait was so very morally reprehensible, but to ensure the boy's safety Ritsuki instead decided to use another subject.

GHOST RIDER X DEMON SLAYER: Book 1: Imps and PrayersWhere stories live. Discover now