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It was the next day. You were too embarrassed to go to school. After the massive fiasco of yesterday, after some heavy questioning, the boys revealed that they had a petty bet with the son of a rival mafia family. They were trying to see how long it would take to make you blush. The strange man on your doorstep was sent by them, and they had called you with a voice changer, pretending to be your father. Your actual father was currently on a classified assignment.

"Sorry about that", RM said, walking past. "We may not like you in that way- but there is someone who does."

Your anger was replaced by confusion. "Huh? What do you mean? Who?"

"Snitches get stitches", he replied with a wink.

The idea that someone could ever have a crush on you was foreign. Unlike other girls, you were smart and had your own opinions. Even though you were delicate, you had a large brain, which scared a lot of dumb guys off. As you lay on your bed, you thought about BTS some more. You did see them as brothers, even though your relationship was sometimes strained. However, at one point, you did have a crush on one of the members when you were younger. While your father did raise them, you weren't raised like siblings. They lived somewhere else with a nanny and went to boarding school. The only person who stayed behind was Jung Kook, who was six months older than you. He was too young for the older group, so he stayed with you. You guys were best friends, however, as you got older you drifted more apart.

"The idea of someone- some guy being in love with me, it's like- unreal, like a mirage". You admitted quietly. "It's impossible. I'm pretty much cursed."

You rolled over on your side. "I just don't know what to do."

You decided to sleep and had a dream. You were with BTS again, but all of you were much older. It seemed like ten-ish years into the future.

"Happy five-year anniversary, Y/N and Jung Kook!" someone yelled out. The dream quickly turned into a nightmare when you laid eyes upon the weird lady you had met at the movie theatre. She was married to RM. You woke up in a cold sweat and decided to get some water. You walked down and were startled by a voice.

"Are you ok?" Someone asked. It was Jung Kook.

You looked up, surprised that he was there. The boys had the keys to the house, and it wasn't uncommon for them to appear at random times. However, you were still on edge from your nightmare.

"Yeah", you lied, yawning. "Just had a weird dream."

You walked into the kitchen and filled a glass of water. You opened the fridge, thinking about the Harry Styles mayonnaise incident that had occurred earlier.

"I never thanked you for saving me from Harry Styles", you said to him.

"Oh, it was no big deal", he said, ducking his head away. "You had no way of knowing he was going to be there."

some silly jungkook fanfic except  it is written by an AIWhere stories live. Discover now