𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘹𝘹𝘪𝘪.

Start from the beginning

The Sterling women was eating a slice of cake, she had prepared when Matthew had come home from playing golf with the men, she had an inkling that Jack would pop round some time today, seeing as Matthew had mentioned leaving his gloves with the man, and now that he had come round, she could finally put her plan into action.

She wanted revenge on her husband for putting her through hell the past couple of months, and she wanted revenge on Jack for doing the exact same thing to her best friend.

A gasp left her lips when she watched Alice stand up from her chair, and stand in front of both men, and slapped them across the face to startle them awake out of the unconsciousness.

Both men were a little out of it, but Harper could only focus on Jack. His hair was dishevelled, his eyes had bags forming underneath them. His lips looked chapped.

Alice tilted her head to the side. "— what's wrong, boys? Did you both have a nightmare?"

Matthew swallowed, although his throat was dry. "What's going on? Alice what are you...what are you doing?"

Jack had a million thoughts running around his head, as he looked around the room and then back to the blonde woman. "— Alice, please...where's Harper? She's going to be worried sick...I need to go home,"

Harper, who was standing with her back to the wall, felt a rush of tears fall down her cheeks at how vulnerable he sounded, and wanted nothing more than to cuddle him close.

Over the last few months, she did feel as though that Jack was keeping something from her, but he nor Matthew deserved to be tied to a chair against their will.

They all needed to talk things out.

Alice ignored their words and proceeded to pick up the bottle of pills that were on the table, shaking the bottle slightly. "— I have to admit, I wasn't sure that this would work. But the mistake you idiots made was in making everything here real. Food gets you full, alcohol gets you drunk,Pills knock you out"

Harper bit the inside of her cheek. Alice had drugged them both.

"Honey,"Matthew spoke, voice hoarse. "You're scaring me, if there's an issue, let's talk, but Jack doesn't need to be involved, he needs to head back home to his wife and son."

"I know who you are,"Alice turned her attention from her husband over to Jack. "— I know what the both of you have done, what you've done to Harper, whatever you did to Margaret it didn't work!"

The Chambers girl pushed a strand of hair behind her ear, she had no idea what Alice was going on about.

She knew for a fact strange things were happening around here, but it looked as if Alice knew all the details.

"You're having an episode,"Matthew tried to cut her off, saying not to receive  a sharp look from her in return.

"I was supposed to forget, but it made me remember, and I know that Harper remembers as well."Alice explained to them, her heels clicking against the floor as she walked in a circle. "— It wasn't just Frank, it was you and Jack, you hooked your wives up to those machines."

The machines Harper had seen in her nightmares?

Matthew was still trying to persuade her that she was going insane. "This is okay, we can go to Dr. Collins,"

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2023 ⏰

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