Red Camellia ( 🍋)

Start from the beginning

We got in the cab and Dazai gave him the address for our apartment, which luckily wasnt too far. To say I was exhausted would be the understatement of the century. i had used a lot of energy with my ability today, and my body was spent.

We arrived at our apartment and Dazai went straight for the bathroom. I thought he was just going to use it, but i heard the water running shortly after he entered, followed by him yelling something that i couldnt understand.

I walked over to the door and knocked. "I didnt hear you. What were you trying to say?"

He opened the wooden barrier and pulled me in. I nearly tripped, but naturally he didn't let me. He made me sit down on the counter before turning back around to tend to the bath.

"This time, youre going to take a bath, and actually relax. No dragging me in there with you, got it?" he scolded. I knew he was being serious, but i couldnt fight the fit of giggles that rushed out of my throat.

He gave me a quizzical look and planted his hands on his hips. "What's so funny?"

I shook my head and covered my mouth with my hand in an attempt to stifle the laughing fit. "Nothing. Youre just so cute when youre like this"

"Like what?" He asked.

"Like youre trying to prove to me that you can be a good man," I smiled at him.

Dazai let out a low chuckle, stepping his way closer to me and standing in between my legs. He lifted my chin with his index finger, forcing me to look at the smolder on his face. My cheeks flushed and I could feel the anticipation building in my core for whatever he planned to do next.

"Darling," He placed a kiss on my jawline and I shivered. "I am not a good man," he trailed the kisses down to my neck, an he settled in a spot right at the base.

I gasped at the sensation. I wasnt sure how he did this - made my body feel like it was on fire without burning. It made it nearly impossible to speak.

"You are for me," i breathed out. I could smell the honey and vanilla wafting off of his recently washed hair, and it was melting me.

"I can show you exactly why I'm not, if you really want to test that theory," He purred. He let his mouth assault my neck in the most pleasant way, and I could feel the desire swarming. The longing for him. The ache for his touch. I wanted - no. Needed more.

"Do it," I whispered, and it was like i had unlocked something he was desperately trying to keep hidden.

He grabbed the back of my head, pulling me into a feverish kiss. The kind of kiss that made you feel high, because it was so full of passion and lust. His lips crashed with mine in a way that promised more if i wanted it.

I grabbed onto his coat and pulled him tighter against me, kissing him back with the same energy he was giving. I felt his hands wander down my back, and rest on my ass. If this were anyone else,I wouldnt have gasped into the kiss when he grabbed onto me.

I started to slide his coat off, and he happily obliged, helping me slide it off his arms. He continued to kiss me hungrily, with his one hand tangling itself in my hair and the other staying right where it was.

This wasnt enough. This man was igniting feelings within me that I didnt know I even had. I started working on his black vest, desperately trying to rid him of the barriers that stopped me from being as close with him as I possibly could be.

He grabbed onto my hands and pulled away from the kiss, despite my whine of complaint at his departure. He smirked at the noise, seemingly amused by it. "Im not trying to flood our home"

Promise Me (Dazai x OC)Where stories live. Discover now