Chapter 5: Relaxation

Start from the beginning

After I led her in I stepped out for a second to remove my shirt and put it on a chair.

When I turned back around Arisu was now red, 'Why does this happen when she sees me shirtless?'

After a few minutes of relaxing in the water a volleyball got sent my way about to hit my head so I quickly caught it with one hand.

"I'm so sorry! Are you okay?"

I looked towards the voice and it was Ichinose Honami, probably the most popular girl in our grade

"I'm fine" I gave the ball back

"So sorry for that, by the way it's nice to meet you two, I'm Ichinose Honami"

"I'm Ayanokoji Kiyotaka"

"Sakayanagi Arisu, a pleasure"

"Is it true that you two are engaged, that's amazing!" She said

"Yes it is" I said

"Congratulations! Wish the best for both of you!"

"Thank you" Arisu said

She began to go back to playing her volleyball game

"She seems very friendly" I said

"Yes, it's a shame that it will be easy to defeat her"

She definitely has potential but she'll need someone to bring it out of her, it won't be me though.

After a while we were heading back to our rooms to change back to our casual clothes when an announcement went off about going to view the scenery.

Then the ship started circling around the island at a fast pace.

"There definitely is gonna be an exam"

"Yes you should go get ready since I won't be able to participate" She said

After I got to my room we were told to pack important items and change into our athletic clothes, we then gathered on the ship deck and it was announced that we would participate in the special island exam.

Most people in Class D and C, some from Class B started to complain about this.

After getting on the beach the rules for this exam were explained, each class gets 300 points, we get 270 since Arisu can't participate, at the end of the exam the amount of points left would be added to our class total, this would be a perfect exam to gain an immense amount of points.

This exam would last for 7 days, hope Arisu can survive 7 days without cuddling, Katsuragi had chosen someone to be the leader for this exam, the leader role can claim spots but it's important to keep the leader's identity hidden from other classes since if they figure out the leader it would cost us 50 points.

He didn't tell anyone who he chose, most likely because he doesn't trust Arisu's faction, but if I had to guess it would most likely be someone from his faction, namely being Machida since he's the closest to Katsuragi, if Yahiko was here he definitely would've chose him as the leader.

The main flaw to Katsuragi is that he's extremely defensive, he won't take any risk whatsoever, which means he wouldn't try bending the rules or using underhanded tricks to succeed, unlike Arisu or Class C tyrant leader Ryuuen would, which is why there's no doubt he's going to fail this exam.

I started thinking and I came to a conclusion about the best way to go about this exam so we can get the maximum amount of points, however I'm not getting involved or telling anyone about the plan.

"I know the best spot for this exam, everyone follow me" Katsuragi said

We then started moving through the island passing the trees and and a corn field, after some minutes we started getting closer to a cave, I can see why this is the best spot, the cave gives good privacy and there's a watchtower and shack which are also spots.

After the spot was claimed which I was able to confirm the leader was Machida, we started unpacking and getting settled.

"I'm going to go look around and also tell Mashima-sensei about items we need to acquire" Katsuragi then left

I began contemplating on whether I should follow him or not, curiosity got the better of me and I decided to go follow him

"Where you going king?" Hashimoto asked

"Need to use the bathroom"

I then left to follow after Katsuragi, I made sure to be as quiet as possible, after some time he finally stopped.

"So your here" Ryuuen walked up

"Let's start our deal" Katsuragi said

After some time they came to an agreement, Class C would supply us with all the items we need for this exam and give us the names of the other leaders with proof, in exchange every student of Class A would give 10k private points to Ryuuen every month for the first year. That would be a total of 4,800,000 points in one year. No doubt Ryuuen won this, he's thinking about the long run while Katsuragi is thinking in the moment.

I headed back to the cave and minutes later Katsuragi showed up and announced we would be getting items soon, we ended up getting extra tents, two showers, two portable toilets, meal packs, and some other things to keep us occupied.

"Yo king wanna play cards with us?"

"Sure why not"

We then started playing poker

"So what did you find?" Hashimoto whispered to me

I told him about the deal with Katsuragi had made with Ryuuen

"Hahaha that's great! Should I tell hime about this or do you wanna do it?"

"Let Katsuragi do it" I said

"To embarrass himself more huh, I like the way you think!" He said

'If you really knew how I think would you really like it?'

The rest of the day had gone on like normal for the most part, there wasn't much to do anyways. Honestly I wanna go back to the ship with Arisu, this is gonna be a long week.
1443 words

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