🍂possibilities and strighend

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After being scolded again we went to meet up with  George, well Karl grabbed my hand and pulled me to him.

"Why won't you date me..." He asked sadly.

"Ur not my type- I'm more into blonds" I replied.

"Can't you just give me a chance" he begged.

"Dunno.. I'll consider, but I'm not a playing type- and not looking to play u" I responded.

My answer is no, but he won't shut up so I caved... I feel like this October something in my trio will change. Not sure what but had that feeling since September first.

"Okay! Bye Nicki" he'd giggle and run off.

I walked to my friends seeing Dream trying to snog our best friend... something in me bubbled. I don't get the feeling quiet yet so I ignored it.

Moving my raven hair, "ew stop snoozing in the hall"

"What was that with Karl?" George asked.

"He uh- won't leave me alone tho I rejected him and he wanted to know why" I mumbled.

"But he walked away smiling," Dream asked.

"Be wouldn't shut up. So I said I'd consider it.. but yet I don't think I would ever be happy with him." I replied.

I know I like blonds... puns would be a better choice tho he's used to and not into doing relationships he's always doing pot.

I went quiet looking off, tuning out dreams of strong boy flirting that gets shut up quickly... I snap back wiGeorgerge slapping Dream.

"Stop it hornybitch" George scoffed.

"...Georgie" Dream whined, "I'm joking"

"Well ur jokes are disgusting" George huffed, "back the fuck away from me"

Dream looked off sadly and walked off to do his dreamy things. I look to George.

"That was a bit harsh" I commented.

"I don't want him or his dick" George scoffed, "it's disgusting"

I sigh,  "what  even is ur sexuality"

"Stright," George said quite proudly.

Oh, that's gonna suck for a dream. "Do you have anyone?"

"What gonna steal her sapnap?" George asked.

"Just want to know what's up with my friend," I said shrugging.

"Oh yeah. I have this girl in mind.." George blushed.

"Maybe we'll have to meet her to make sure she's suitable for our bestie" I joked.

George laughed, "of course of course.."

"Well- imma go check up on a dream. Go on lover boy" I joked and off I went to dreams aid.

My heart beats every time I think of so utter dreams name, I don't understand why it hasn't ever before.

I went and sat giving him a side hug,  "it's gonna be an alright dream. I promise u"

"Am I coming off too strong?" Dream asked.

"Probably yk George takes it slow," I said softly.

I knew what the issue was yeah, but in his state now I don't have the heart to tell him.. even then it's not my place.

He lays into me holding onto me and hiding his dirt blond hair into my chest sniffling.

I saw a dream so weak til he fell for George. I hurt for him. I do
Oh, dear.

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