Naruto:you know this give me such nostalgia

*Naruto dodged a kunai aimed to his legs as he jumped over a bridge*

Naruto:i remember Anbu chasing after me when i painted the Hokage monument ah....such simpler times

*Naruto suddenly stopped and jumped straight up his feet landing on the head of one of the Anbu using that he pushed himself behind them and ran the other direction doing hand signs*

Naruto:shadow clone justsu!!

*Multiple Naruto appeared 30 for every Anbu and each ran at a different directions. The Anbu's chased after as many as they could while they didn't noticed the "old man" walking passed. Once the old man was at a safe distance smoke cleared out and Naruto walked away casually*

Naruto:hm... Maybe i should join the Anbu after I'm jounin if its this easy to....

*Instantly Naruto was knocked out by a hand chop to the neck by one of the Anbu who hid his chakra, the Anbu grabbed him before Naruto fell on the ground and took him to Tsunade*


*Naruto was awoken in a jump by Tsunade throwing cold water on his face*

Naruto:I'm up!!


*Naruto looked down and he was tied to the chair, he looked at a smiling Tsunade with a deadpan expression*

Naruto:really? Where's the love? The trust?

Tsunade:where indeed. I could say the same thing finding out the two closest things i have for a family got engaged from ino Yamanaka

Naruto:if it make you feel any better it happened yesterday and we were going to tell you today

Tsunade:it does not since you could've told me yesterday

Naruto:i was busy with paperwork!

*Naruto felt it, he knew he said the wrong thing he knew that at that very moment he.fucked.up. as a evil grin appeared on Tsunade's face*

Tsunade:and by paperwork you mean putting a baby in Shizune? You to realize that while you are a clan head, you're not above the law? The neighbors could hear the two of you and guess who got that complaint?

*Again Tsunade loved to see the color drain out of the faces of the two of them* maybe go to a love hotel next time i know this place in the red light district i can give you a good discou...

Shizune:moving on!! Please

*Shizune said blushing just wanting this conversation to end*

Tsunade:fine Naruto you're going on a mission

Naruto:yes Hokage when and details please

Tsunade: tonight, they're been rumors from merchants that a man in a black robe with red clouds has been seen in the forest 3 days from here investigate and if he's still there attack to kill

Shizune:Hokage i ask to make this a duo mission for me and Naruto


Shizune:what?! Why?!

Tsunade:for one, now that you're engaged to Naruto if he were to die you would be next in line to lead the Uzumaki compound

Naruto:damn don't sound too heartbroken about it baachan

Tsunade:shut it you little shit, are gonna hate me for this


Tsunade:the mission would be easier to complete if say you didn't go alone

Naruto:ok? Then who's available?

Tsunade:........ Jiraiya

*Shizune winced at the name as the ropes around Naruto's body was burned by his chakra flaring up, Naruto took some deep breath before calming down to a reasonable level*

Naruto:i see....if there's no other option then ok

Tsunade:Naruto are you sure?

Naruto:yes. I refuse to let my emotions cloud my judgement, this is an Akatsuki member killing him is of the highest priorities, not to mention i get to come back sooner my people still need me

Tsunade:very well I'll get Jiraiya to meet you At the entrance of Konoha

*Tsunade was about to walk away but she turned around and gave both of them the most loving smile they have ever seen Tsunade have there was even a small tear of joy falling from her face*

Tsunade:and let me just say i am so happy for the two of you you have my blessing and i hope you'll let me be a part of the planning and anything you might need

Shizune:of course aunty we'll be honored

*Tsunade cleaned her tear and walked off. An idea emerged inside Shizune's head as she looked at Naruto with a nervous smile*



Shizune:did you....did you tell you're family in the capital about this? Like send them a letter or something?

Naruto:.   .   .   . Oh fuck!!

*Naruto got up running everywhere looking for pen and paper while Shizune just sighed with a smile walking normally to the desk where they kept the pen's and papers giving them to a running Naruto who kissed her cheek as thanks before he ran full speed to get the message send writing while he was running. Shizune gave a small giggle looking at Naruto leave*

Shizune:that's the man I'm gonna marry...

To be continued or on Patreon

Special thanks to:

Ben knight


Jacob Mooe



nT_wolf 0


Ayham Alqaissi

José Ruiz Dé Austri

George Alves

Thai Nguyen

Trevor Ferguson

Ty Kennedy

Jameil fluker





William Washington



Thank you again for the donation

a self-taught shinobi (Cancelled)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz