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"Well you are quite on time, I'm just making some food and dessert and I'd love some company if you would like to join me?" I asked quite hopefully, it would be nice to know someone before I start school and perhaps she goes to the school here as well. "I will not say no to free food!" She was actually quite joyous.

Caroline had been on the phone for the last 20 minutes after getting warmed up and in another pair of clothes that Kamari had been nice enough to give her, she informed her mother of what had happened and where she was, saying that she was safe with a friend, who her mum didn't know that she had met only half an hour ago, when Caroline had finished talking with her mother she let out a deep sigh, today had definitely did not go as she wanted, first Bonnie and Elena had been avoiding her and hanging out without her, which at first didn't mind at all until it got to the point of making her think that she had done something wrong, then the whole new school year that she had planned out already started tumbling down just by one of the teammates quitting the cheerleading squad, because she couldn't be the captain, which was childish to be quite honest.

The medical centre that she had volunteered at had cancelled everything that she planned for a fundraiser to get money for those in need of really bad conditions for treatments or their hospital bills only because, no one had the time to put into something 'meaningless' to them. Caroline was a person that wanted everything to be perfect, or it wouldn't make her happy, which wasn't a bad thing per-say, it was just too much to handle sometimes, which she knew, but she rather work hard than not work at all, she want's to achieve great things and help out as much as she can for everyone.

Caroline was on a busy and tight schedule and when things didn't go the way she planned she would let herself suffer with thoughts that no one should. So when she finally got off the call with her mother she had let out a deep sigh finally succumbing to the negative thoughts.

'Why does this have to happen right now? Why me? What am I doing wrong? Life just isn't working out, maybe I should just give up-'.

That's when her thoughts got interrupted, by the polite girl who had let her in to her nice and cozy house.

"Caroline?" Kamari had popped my head out of the door frame after she heard her finishing her call. She felt her emotions and thought maybe she could distract her a little bit.

"A-ah, yeah?" She had looked like a deer caught in headlights.

"Are you okay?" Caroline was quite good with new people, but only when she wasn't struggling with things piling up one after the other, she would occasionally put everything aside and try to be there for everyone but herself and that was unhealthy to say the least.

She took a deep breath and exhaled, giving the new girl a small and exhausted, but yet genuine smile. "I'm okay, just some things not going so great."

"Well, would you like to talk about it over some food? I've set everything up and the food has just been plated up." Kamari had now come out fully into the open room with a smile offering her to follow me into the kitchen area.

"Yes, I'd like that a lot, thank you." Caroline had appreciated the young girls concerned, demeanour. Even if she was a stranger to her and Caroline to her, she had treated her not as a stranger that's invading her house and peacefulness, but as a friend.

After that Kamari had asked if Caroline had any allergies or types of food she did not eat or had an intolerance to just to make sure what she should put on the plate for the girl, to which Caroline greatly appreciated and answered that she was not a picky eater, but could not have a lot of dairy products in a day, because it upsets her stomach, both girls had sat down by the table and Kamari had told Caroline that she hopes she enjoys the meal, to Caroline the meal looked so good that she could feel saliva building up as if it was ready to spill out of her mouth. Kamari had told the girl to dig in first and let her know if the food was good and to her liking.

They started to eat and share some bits and pieces of information about each other to get to know each other better, Caroline had also shared what had bothered her and Kamari had understood and just listened to her rant, for the blonde it felt like she hadn't had fun like this in years, which was true as one of her friends kept leaving her out and she rarely got to spend time with her mum and talk about everything and anything, the thought about it all had made her tear up and it startled Kamari.

"Caroline? Is everything okay? Did I say or do something wrong?" Kamari had started to get really frantic and worried about her guest that she started to panic a little bit, it was not her intention to upset the gorgeous blonde. Caroline instead started to giggle lightly with tears running down her soft cheeks. "Sorry Kamari, it's just that...I haven't shared such a great time and meal with anyone for quite some time, it just made me realise that maybe some people are just using me too much for their own good...I just wish I could rely on some people to do it all first instead of me." She made a sort of defeated sigh come out of her.

Sure Caroline had realised that she had not been that greatly appreciated by people, but some showed it more than others, of course she would have people like her mum and Bonnie try and spend as much time with her as they could, but she was never Bonnie's first option and Elena seemed like she disliked her and always dragged her down, for her it felt draining that she was always the one making the effort to reach out to people that she now thinks might not be worth it.

"Well, why don't you let me be the first?" Kamari had said and that had startled Caroline. A complete stranger that she had just met had offered to care, to make time and to hang out with her? No way, this will happen for now and when she meets Elena she will probably be the second option again.

"Ar-are you sure? I wouldn't want to be a bother and I'm sure there is much more better people to spend time with than me." She had shown her vulnerable side to Kamari, the side of her that she is self conscious about.

"Of course you wouldn't be a bother silly! I have enjoyed our talk so far and would definitely like to get to know you rather than someone else. I'm quite glad that you knocked on my door and were the first person that I could meet, even if it was just an accident I feel like fate had lead you to me." Kamari had reached out to squeeze Caroline's hand gently that was laying on the table across from her and gave her an honest and true smile, showing her just how happy she had made her feel in her presence.

That made Caroline beam in joy, she was thankful that someone finally had wanted to be near her and wouldn't misunderstand her personality.

At that moment both of the girls thought of each other as pure sunshine, the kind that appears in the early morning to brighten up your mood and get you ready for the day and it's challenges, no matter how hard it would be, the both knew that they will definitely create a bond with each other and this time Caroline believed it would bring her someone who would never think of her as a second option or second best to anyone.

Thanks for reading, not proofread.

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