Chapter 14

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After North Carolina, we were heading back home to Chicago for a short, two-week break before we hit the west coast. Andy had recently brought it to my attention that I would have to see our parents, because we would, of course, be staying at home for those two weeks. Not only would I have to see them, but I would also have to tell them about Patrick. At my request, Andy hadn't officially mentioned it in his almost daily phone calls with our parents, but he had alluded to it as vaguely as he could. On the other hand, he has been doing a spectacular job of making it sound like I was finally getting my shit together in life. According to him, mom and dad had never been more proud of me. It felt weird, almost surreal, to think that they could ever feel proud of me.

On the twelve hour drive back to Chicago, Patrick and I had decided to hole up in his bunk. I didn't like the idea of being separated from him. We'd spent every waking moment in each other's sight since we started dating, and I was not a fan of having to separate from him. Currently, We were just lying together, arms wrapped around each other, in comfortable silence. As if he could sense my thoughts, he pulled me tighter against his side, burying his face in my hair. I pressed my face against his chest, tangling our legs as I closed my eyes. Two weeks, I told myself, Two short weeks, and we'd be back on this bus.

The other boys were up front, playing video games loudly on the TV. Whatever they were playing, it sounded like Pete was losing spectacularly. Every so often, the bunk room door would open and someone would walk through to get to the bathroom. We had the curtain pulled closed on the bunk we were in, so no one bothered us, not even Pete. Andy made sure to loudly clear his throat every time he passed by, as if he had to make his presence known. I listened intently to the game and Pete's shouting for a moment, until Joe yelled out in victory and Pete came stomping through the bunk room. He slammed the bathroom door shut behind him, and Patrick chuckled quietly.

"What a drama queen," I whispered, making him laugh again.

"You have no idea," Patrick whispered. I felt his lips press against the top of my head, and I smiled. "Six more hours," he whispered, and just like that my smile was gone. I looked up at him and he didn't look half as upset as I was. He grinned and tucked my hair behind my ear. "Sweetheart, it's just two weeks."

"Will I see you at all?" I asked, even though I already knew the answer to that.

"Of course, Soph."

"You're sure?"

"Do you honestly think I would ignore you for two weeks, just because you're not right in front of me every minute of every day?" He looked at me in question, but I only stared at him, worriedly. "Sophie Hurley," Patrick stated, as if he were about to lecture me. "I can't believe you think I would do that."

"I don't know," I shrugged, sitting up a little so that I could look at him properly. "I've never had a boyfriend who actually liked my company as much as you say you do. I don't know what to expect."

Patrick frowned at that, and pulled me back to him, holding my head against his chest. He was quiet for a minute, running his hand over my hair comfortingly. Finally, he said, "I want to take you out on a real date."

I smiled. "What's a real date?" I asked, "Because I thought the Statue of Liberty and chicken wings in Buffalo were pretty solid dates."

"Well, yeah," Patrick said, looking down at me, "But I want to take you somewhere, like a nice restaurant or something. I want to show off my girlfriend."

As usual, the mention of the term girlfriend immediately made me blush and snuggle closer into Patrick's chest. "You know," I giggled, "You also have to meet my parents while we're home."

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