Bakugou Katsuki

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If anyone could talk about plain and ordinary, Bakugou Katsuki would be last in line out of the 8 billion people on earth. There was not a drop ordinary about him, even his blood pumped differently as it surged through his veins with a sort of urgency that it had to be ready at any moment.

But why, why did Yui make him feel so damn ordinary?

She looked at him like she looked at everyone else, no matter what he did to help her or talk with her.

Why couldn't she see that he didn't want her to take hits for him? He wanted to be the one protecting her like he protected everyone else, but she was special in a peculiar sense that he only wanted her to recognize the attention he paid to making sure she was safe and sound at the end of the day.

Why couldn't she see that he wanted her to act like herself, without whatever held her back preventing her from showcasing her true potential? It wasn't just so he could fight a monster at full power, but so that he could show the world how strong she really was, and what a good hero the girl who was cast aside could be.

But instead, Yui just nodded her head to him, before smiling when she looked at that damn icy hot or that random purple haired kid. What had he done wrong that made her look at him like he was ordinary?

He could see everyday, the bags under her eyes, the bruised up knuckles from pushing too hard in training, and the haphazardly placed bandages on her arms. But there was never the time to tell her that he saw. Never time to tell her that he was there for her, even if he never acted like it.

Never time to tell her that she was literally the girl of his dreams.


"Yui! Bakugou! Will you pleaaaseeee help us study for the exams??" Mina and Kaminari whined as they walked out of school for the end of the day. "We will fail without you guys helping us!"

Yui laughed lightly, linking her arm with Mina's.

"Last time I helped you guys study, you learned that I was a demented orphan and you still managed to fail the test. I don't know if my masterful knowledge can help you at this point."

"I'm with bloody bitch. We already have training set up together so find your own punching dummy, I called dibs." Bakugou spoke, slinging an arm over Yui's shoulders. "Why don't you guys train and study with each other? The amount of brain cells you have together should leave you as a functioning human."

The eccentric duo looked crestfallen, and Yui couldn't help but poke at Mina's face in an attempt to get her to smile.

"Come on, baby~" She cheered quietly. "You know I would never let you fail."

Mina cheekily smiled back, before holding up her phone.

"Good, because I already ordered pizza to your apartment and Sero is waiting outside."



The training room was quiet and tense as Mina and Yui circled around each other. The wrappings around Yui's fists stained red and her normal fighting attire cast aside for a long sleeve top and a pair of baggy shorts Shinsou had left at her house a while ago.

Sero, Kirishima, Denki and Bakugou had challenged the two girls to fight without quirks to see who would finally win once and for all. Every Time they had fought it was cut short by Yui's overpowering quirk and Mina's kindness.

Yui lunged towards Mina, her body aimed towards her chest while her thoughts were bringing her towards Mina's waist. Mina smiled, Yui's body language was too easy to read, and she could tell where Yui was going to hit her.

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