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Chapter 1

I opened my eyes to find myself lying flat on my back in an unfamiliar room. I groaned as I moved to sit up, wincing from the pain that pounded through my skull.

As I stumbled to my feet, I looked around, startled when I saw an unfamiliar girl staring back at me.

Who is this girl? I wondered as I took a few steps closer...

She appeared to be in her early 30s, with waist-length ink-black hair, silver-blue eyes, and olive skin. The girl looking at me was primarily naked, wearing only a clear bra and underwear. I was shocked that whenever I moved, the girl in the mirror did too...


Holy shit!

Was the girl in the mirror me?

Whoa, this is crazy!

As I continued to look around, I noticed that I was in an odd-looking pentagonal-shaped room, with five reflections of myself looking back at me.

I stumbled forward, jumping in shock when out of nowhere, the five reflections of me were now wearing odd-looking outfits. Each outfit had a small screen that described what the costumes represented.

The first outfit was of a knight. The knight wore heavy-looking armor and carried a heavy Iron sword.

The second outfit was me dressed as an archer, with a silly-looking hat, a brown leather crop top, and very short brown leather shorts.

The third outfit was of me dressed up as a wizard. The wizard outfit was decent, but the fifth outfit kept drawing my eye. This outfit had a collared Victorian brown leather vest paired with medieval-looking brown leather pants and was finished off with brown knee-high leather boots.

The description of this outfit says that it belongs to a Beastmaster. The Beastmaster is given an egg that will hatch into a beast that benefits its master; it also mentions that the Beastmaster will eventually be able to charm and talk to animals.

I reached out to touch the me wearing the Beastmaster outfit, and a screen popped up, making me jump. The pop-up screen says, "Do you choose to become a Beastmaster?" with a Yes and a No.

With a shrug, I selected yes, and the Beastmaster outfit automatically appeared on me after I picked it...

Oh wow, this is awesome!

The five me's in the weird outfits disappeared and were replaced by five large eggs. The first egg was red, the second was yellow, the third was green, the fourth was white, and the last was black. A screen appeared, explaining that I needed to select an egg; once I set it, it would hatch into a beast.

Hmm... which egg should I choose?

With a shrug, I touched the black egg, jumping... again... when a screen popped up, "Do you select the black egg? Yes or No..."

When I hit yes, the egg lit up brightly, making me look away. When the light disappeared, I looked back to find a bi-pedal black lizard with bat-like wings about the size of an adult house cat with bright blue reptilian eyes.

Chronicles of the Blood DiamondМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя