Woman I Never Knew; Man I'll Hardly Know

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We hardly know each other

But I see it's inside of you

That lamenting sorrow for a lost life

Do you see it in me too?

Faces that haunt one another

Like our ghosts of the past

You are gaunt and I am helpless

To find the words that may last

You gasp between the silence

So for air I try to say

"I heard you're getting married"

"That'll be a nice day"

You nod in agreement with some sort of passive strife

Perhaps you'd rather have wanted

To be the blushing wife

We hardly knew each other

Because you were like me

Now you've arrived at death's door

And we are watching TV

There is something I watch now

That always plays inside my head

I can't turn it off now that you are dead

It's a recording of you on your wedding day

Wearing that gown of white

With a smile like the sun's rays

Now forever out of sight

It only fills my head with static

And makes me deeply saddened

Now I can't turn it off

Knowing it never happened

Among Friends Like These...Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz