Sweet girl

730 18 26

Warning: gore, rape (mentions)

You had been walking for hours, hardly any rest. Plague had tuckered out three fourths of the way to the place you were now. You had to carry her over your shoulder for the remainder of the time.

You were at what seemed to be a horse ranch, there weren't any cars in the driveway so you'd have to settle with a horse.

There weren't any people in the house, so you decided to sneak in through an unlocked window and restock on food and water. You made your way out back to the horses, seeing one already with a saddle on. It took you a second to get Plague up there and situated properly so you could ride together.

This would be a much more efficient way of traveling the rest of the way to the first base. You could already sense the tiredness eating away at you, you couldn't stop now, you were so close to the first base.

When you knew you were close you tied the horse up, hopping down and walking the rest of the way. Plague followed you, obviously warn out but desperate to be with you.

You were laying down on your stomach underneath some sort of bush, the sharp leaves scrapping up your face and bare arms. You looked through the scope of your rifle at the man outside the entrance to the back. From what you could tell you needed a key card to get in and this man had one.

He was smoking a cigarette, on the phone with what appeared to be his significant other.

"I know, sweetheart, I know you're worried. I am too. That was my fucking general killed."

He paused. "I'll be safe. I promise."

Another pause, "yeah, yeah, love you too sweetie, I'll be home after my shift."

With that he hung up the phone and finished up his cigarette, squashing it under his combat boot. He turned around for a second, his back leaning against the railing. This was your window of opportunity, you dragged yourself from under the bushes, sneaking up to him and holding your hand over his mouth and slitting his throat. You grabbed his key card and any ammo that was compatible with your guns.

You grabbed his keycard, slotting it into the reader, hearing a little chime and a mechanic click from the door unlocking. Upon opening it you were met with no hostiles, that was a good start, maybe you picked one of the ones that didn't have as many.

Walking further into the darkened hallway you realized that there weren't many people in here at all. You couldn't hear or see anybody. The only thing you could hear was the whirring of electrical machinery and Plague's nails clicking against the concrete flooring.

Rounding a corner you finally saw your first group of people. They had their backs turned to you, a stupid mistake.

You grabbed the closest man, holding your hand tightly over his mouth, a muffled gasp emitting from him.

"Put your fucking hands up, toss your weapons and turn around!" You ordered, pointing your gun at the remaining three.

Their eyes widened upon seeing their comrade in such a position. Their weapons were tossed to the floor, kicked over to your feet, their arms up. Their eyes were open with fear, you relished in their fear, shooting two in the head. Plague pouncing and ripping at the third's neck. You snapped the man's neck with your arms, feeling him fall to your feet.

You opened doors, quickly eliminating anyone who might've been behind them. You found yourself in front of a jail cell, curiosity spiking your mind, causing you to pause and look through the bars.

An all to familiar face met yours, "please, please help me," a woman's voice wails.



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