Last Day...

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Eight months had passed since filming had began, today was the last day of filming, and Y/N had grown to love filming, his chemistry with all of the cast was fantastic, Y/N and Jenna were often seen hanging out together during their time off, the pair talking about various subjects. Jenna seemed to be quite pleased that Y/N had managed to fit in, she smiled when he'd make a witty remark, his humour was dark quite often, but sometime it could be light humour, the occasional dad joke.

Y/N was with Jenna on set, filming the last scenes of the series.

"You knew me, before you came here, how?"

Y/N pulled a pained expression before looking at Wednesday.

"Wednesday...we were friends...close friends. Back at Hogwarts. I'd go so far as to say that you're the only one outside of my family to really make me sentimental." Y/N said as he looked at her.

"Then why can't I remember you?" Wednesday asked as Y/N looked at her.

"You had your memory wiped. You jumped in front of the spell meant for me, your memory of me was wiped. Everything...the memories we had...the bond we shared, wiped with one spell."

"Why would I throw myself in front of the spell for you." 

"I don't know...but maybe it was for the best. You've nearly died more times on my watch than would happen on your own. Despite my distain for sentiment, I don't want you to die." Y/N said as he looked at Wednesday.

"What will you do now?" Wednesday asked as Y/N looked to her.

"I need to...I think it's best I spend some time alone for a while, fix my head. All of these complicated little emotions." Y/N said as he lit his pipe, Wednesday looked at him.

"Hey, was...was I a good...whatever I was?" Wednesday asked, Y/N paused for a moment, letting the question hang longer in the air with some people thinking he had forgotten his monologue.

"The best." Y/N adlibbed as everyone looked astounded, something about the delivery of those two words had managed to say everything the monologue had said. "Goodbye...Ms Addams."

As Y/N walked off, Wednesday looked at him walking away before he stepped off of set, with the sound effect for apparation playing, making Jenna pull an amazed face.

"Cut!" Burton called out as everyone applauded. Jenna rushed over to Y/N and gave a smile.

"That was a brilliant idea, that "The best". That was so good!" Jenna said as Y/N smiled.

"Thank you." Y/N said to Jenna as he picked up a coffee from the catering table and thanked the catering officer. "So how was I, really? Was I as bad as I think?"

"No! You were amazing. The audiences are gonna love you as a replacement, if anything, they might think you're better than the original actor." Jenna said as Y/N smiled. "Honestly, you brought the character to life. I've been working with this character for a while and you're the best version, granted there are only two, but you're easily the best one."

"Thanks." Y/N said as they walked to the hotel.

They began opening their doors when Y/N looked to Jenna and smiled.

"Do you fancy going for a drink?" Y/N asked as Jenna paused for a moment, thinking about it before speaking.


As they were sat in the bar, Y/N and Jenna were talking, about the series.

"Y/N trust me, the audiences are going to love you as Y/N Holmes. When you've had benedict Cumberbatch singing your praises as the best Holmes on set, then you're doing it right. You played Sherlocks son brilliantly. I'm actually blown away by how well. The Chamber of Secrets story was a bit of a misstep for the writers to be honest, Y/N was hardly in that one and he was rather slow to solve the case. Even the writers have said they might re release it with a different cut. Something just didn't sit well with the readers of the books and the viewers of the series. but if your acting skill there was anything to go by, you're about to put this character on the map." Jenna said as Y/N nodded.

"How would they do the re release?"

"They have the footage, and they had a different script originally but a lot of things were changed. You know how these things work, they'll find a way." Jenna said as Y/N smiled.

"Thank you...for giving me the opportunity." Y/N said as Jenna smiled.

"Please, no need to thank me." Jenna said as Y/N shook his head.

"No, there is, you took a gamble, vouching for me...I mean I'm a no one-"

"'re someone to me, and considering what I saw out on set and who I'm looking're gonna be a heart throb for girls around the world. If they greenlight another series, you're going to love the script. I can tell you like the emotional scenes that allow you to show the characters depth, you're gonna love the Scandal story that the author is planning." Jenna said as Y/N chuckled.

"I'm glad to hear someone finds me handsome." Y/N said as Jenna looked at him.

"You are."

"I've always thought I looked like a dropped lasagne." Y/N said as he looked at himself. Jenna was shocked as she looked at him and turned his head to look back at her.

"You don't look like a dropped lasagne, any girl would be lucky to have you." Jenna said as Y/N smiled. "Whoever they are, they're very lucky."

"What--? Oh! No, um, I don't have a girlfriend." Y/N said as Jenna looked surprised.

"What? Bull." Jenna said as she looked at him. "You're full of surprises. What about you and Emma, I can see that working."

"Just good friends. Me and Emma agreed that around four months ago." Y/N said as Jenna nodded.

"So, if you could be with anyone in the world, who would it be?" Jenna asked as Y/N looked at her.

"Someone who I can trust to always have my back when things go wrong." Y/N said as Jenna looked at him and smiled. "If you're looking for a name, I can't give one, there is someone, but...they wouldn't feel the same."

"Who?" Jenna asked as Y/N thought about it for a moment.


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