Part 1

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Hi guys, just a quick note from me before you carry on reading: If you've read this before, I have completely re-written this story as words could not describe how unhappy I was with it. So everything is different! Enjoy :)


5 years before:

I remember this day like it was yesterday. We were sat in Mick's living room, stretched out across the sofas and watching some crappy TV. It had been a slow week, where we were off school, waiting to graduate. We had both just turned 18, and it was time for us to be adults. 

Me and Mick have been best friends since we were born. My parents and his parents were old friends, our dads becoming friends through racing. We both had plans to move into F1 at some point - me through becoming an engineer and him through being a driver. We would talk about our dreams like we would always achieve them together - be on the same team. 

We had done every single thing together, since we met. Went to the same schools, always in the same class, learnt how to ride our bikes together. I even found him his first girlfriend. He punched the boys that would make fun of me. 

I used to go to all of his Karting competitions when I school wasn't on. I cried with him when a race didn't go well. We used to stay at each other's houses for weeks on end in the summer. We had literally grown up together. 

There was a slight technical hitch, however. I had been crushing on him since I was at least 7 years old. He was always the I wanted. I mean, he was perfect - he knows me better than I know myself, he's the sweetest boy ever, and he was the most handsome boy in my eyes. I try to keep it a secret for as long as possible, because the last thing I want is my friendship to be ruined with him. 

"Do you wanna watch a movie?" Mick says, throwing the remote to the TV at me, hitting my head. 
"Ow! Why would you do that?" I say, rubbing my head. 
Mick instantly looks apologetic and moves from his side of the sofa, to mine. He cups my chin with his hand and moves around my head to inspect the slowly growing bump. 
My heart rate slowly increases, as I look closely and observe his features. His bright blue eyes look around the top of my head.
"I'm sorry, I don't have a very good aim." He says. 
"Maybe you should stick to racing." I reply. 

Mick stares dead at me for a while, and then starts to tickle me for my insult, leaving me squirming and screaming out for him to stop. He sits on me, pinning my arms down onto the sofa and making me unable to move, and as I'm yelling for him to stop while laughing, our faces get closer and closer, like we're only 2 seconds away from touching.

I can feel his breath hit my face and time stops for a second. 

We look into each other's eyes, and he leans down and kisses me. It's like I don't know where I am or what I'm doing, and I just accept it like it's a part of me. It doesn't take too long before he pulls away. 
"I'm so sorry. I don't know-" He says.
I pull his face back down and start kissing him again. 

After about 10 seconds, he pulls away. 
"I can't let this happen." He says, standing up and moving back to his side of the sofa, brushing his head.
"Can't let what happen? What do you mean?" I reply, raising my eyebrows.
"I need to talk to you about something, and I don't think you'll like it." He says. 
I sit up and grab the cushion next to me, holding it like some sort of shield. 
"I've been signed to join F3."
"Oh my god, Mick! Congratulations!" I say excitedly, getting up to go and hug him. 

He puts his hands up, blocking his body and stopping me from getting any closer.
"But that kiss just complicated everything." He says. 
"Because we won't be able to continue anything."
"What do you mean?" I ask. 
"You really think we would be able to survive a relationship with me in different counties every few weeks? You would never see me." He spits out. 
"I'm sure we could make it work-"
"No, Mila. I can't let this happen." 
"I'm so confused right now." I say, moving away from him. 
"I'm saying that is was a mistake and it never should have happened. I'm sorry." He replies. 

I start to tear up. 
"Right then. If that's how you feel." I say. 
I get up, grab my stuff and head towards the door. 
"What are you doing? Why are you leaving?" He says, following after me. 
"Well, it's obvious that I've just been utterly rejected, so I can't be here." 
"Mick, be serious right now. You're telling me that you have had no idea that I've been in love with you this entire time? I've stood there for years by your side, cried behind closed doors when I see other girls flirt with you, come to any race I could whatever the weather. You obviously must have felt the same, otherwise you wouldn't have kissed me. And now because you decided to do that, you just wanna throw everything away?"
Mick just stands there, in the entrance with his jaw wide open. 
"I- I-" He just says, trying to think of something to say. 
"You know what, don't even bother. I was fine hiding what feelings I had if it meant that I could still be a part of you. You're making this decision to let me go, not me. Do you really want me to leave like this?" I reply, tears rolling down my face.

He just continues to stutter, not even trying to say no.

That was my answer. 
I put my shoes on, grab my coat and open the door. 
Looking back at him, he looks lost, and sad. 
"Goodbye, Mick." I say. 
"Please, Mila. Don't go." 

And the door closes, and I run back home.

And just like that, I never spoke to him again. 

For a few weeks after that, Mick would spam my phone with texts asking where I was, why I wasn't responding. I spent those weeks with my head buried in my duvet, crying over what could have been.

Even Michael, Mick's dad, texted me to see if I was okay. That's how you know I was a part of the family.  

I just kept a very low profile until Mick had to leave for F3. After that, he never texted me again. 

And my one childhood crush just disappeared without a trace. 

It's Lights Out - Mick Schumacher X OCWhere stories live. Discover now