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Covid, unemployment, a fly in your coffee right after you turn around from ashing your cigarette, death, taxes. This is just a short list of the things you should expect living in the world as it stands today. Change is a constant, they say.

Dr Gonzo once said with profound nobility: "Let us toast to animalistic pleasures, to absinthe, to the sound of rain on tin roofs, to library cards with books long overdue, and the good life, whatever that is and wherever that happens to be." I'm not sure if that's verbatim or not, and it likely isn't, but in a world that values materialism over authenticity, a fake smile over true love, and automation over humanism, there can never be a shortage of things that remind you that the human spirit is still very much alive and well. I'm no saint, and God knows how many flaws I possess-- too many too note. The world is still good, albeit faces many challenges. There is hurt, there is pain, there are questions still unanswered. I'm full of unanswered questions. As a nihilist I still long for answers that I cannot find. We turn to God in situations of uncertainty.

When we speak of the events happening in our world, we do so with such conviction. This becomes the irony of our 21st century predicament because we are just a scared species scouring any last bit of culture still left to elevate our levels of humanism. We want to connect. We want to love. We won't compromise our sin or our desires for a better world. How could you ask that of someone? We find comfort in what we are told, and what we are handed. Don't you dare challenge pre-existing beliefs. Don't be weird! Don't be an outsider! But think for yourself. You see these arrays of contradiction? I'm not sure I'm onto anything, or that I ever have been. I don't care what I think, and I'm sure you don't care what I think either. Thoughts are just thoughts. I choose to write mine down from time to time. A man who deals primarily in words probably doesn't have much faith in them, Dr Gonzo tells us. There has to be something I'm missing... Let's get to the point.

Is it possible to live in this world with complete understanding of one another? I don't think so. I don't think people fully understand themselves. I surely don't understand myself. Where could I go with this without getting political or historical I'm not sure. The best we can do is try to enjoy ourselves while we are here. I'm possibly more cynical and dark in my writing than I am in real life. It is not all doom and gloom, even if my mind leads me to believe that sometimes. You need to look towards the sunshine if you want to find hope. Go ahead and try to find meaning in the meaningless, but the sun is such a marvelous thing.

I'll add more later. Thanks for listening.

We came back to it to find that the world was just whatever we perceived it to be. There was no black and white to things, it was all grey.! Things slipped to and from all the time. Was it all really this fragile? Still, symptoms of nihilism plagued those I knew well.

Get your ass over here!


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2023 ⏰

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