010 - (Noah's Story)

309 12 10

I've only known Ava for about a week now, but she caught my heart.... and smooshed it between her hands. She told me last week that she liked Y/N, which I wasn't the happiest about, but I couldn't change it and I didn't want to ruin our friendship. It would crush her if she knew I liked her. Yet, still, I watched them two fall in love.

Ava was confused about her sexuality, Y/N was not. Ava loved sports, Y/N did not. Y/N loved writing, Ava did not. But in the end, it was opposites that attracted.

I'm older than Ava, Y/N is younger than her. I was an actor, Y/N was not. Y/N had long hair, I did not.

All I could notice was how they were into each other and not anyone else. Astrid liked Y/N, I liked Ava. I just wish they both would notice us... And I don't want to sabotage their relationship. They- they have something that could potentially be something.

Y/N just needs a sign. She's trying to keep her feelings contained in-within herself until Ava visibly shows HER that she likes her. It's kind of complicated. Should I give them hints? Because they're the only ones who don't know about their 'little' crush on each other.

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