Weekend at Mari's and Sunny's! (Part 3)

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After the rest of your friends had their coats on, you opened the door and walked out of the house

The streets were empty, so you could run and shout all you wanted, Kel seemed to notice this too

"Bet yall can't catch me!" Kel shouted and started running
"Come here" You said running after him

Aubrey followed you two too and started running after Kel, he started running faster, making you unable to catch him

When you arrived at the park you stopped running and breathed heavily since you were really tired

"Told you!" Kel shouted mocking Aubrey and you
"Shut up Kel!" Aubrey shouted angry

"Stop fighting already! Let's just have fun" Mari said
"Im going to be the first one to go down the slide!" You shouted and started to go up the stairs of the slide

"No! Im going to be the first one!" Kel shouted and followed you up

"Wow, this two have a lot of energy" Basil said looking at the two of you fighting in the slide
"For real" Mari answered

You kept on playing in the park for a really long time, for about 1 hour at least, until you were so tired that you could barely stand up

"That sure was tiring..." You said sitting on the floor with Kel and Aubrey next to you, the three of you tired

"No way! You actually made Kel be tired! Incredible!" Hero said in disbelief

"Well, you're wrong!" Kel said and got up after saying it
"How do you still have energy?" You asked him
"M a g i c" He answered and started running around the park

You closed your eyes and tried to rest a bit, but felt something touch your shoulder
After opening your eyes to see who it was you saw Sunny next to you

"Oh, what's up?" You asked and he pointing at a bottle of water he had in his right hand "Oh, no im fine, thanks though"

Sunny got up and offered Aubrey water, which she accepted without hesitation and drank the whole bottle
"Hey! I wanted some too!" Kel shouted with an angry face

"Bad for you!" Aubrey answered mocking him
"Now you're gonna go home to get my water!" Kel told her

"Nope!" Aubrey answered with a smirk and arms on her weist
"Aw, come on!" Kel said

"Let's just go home guys, there we'll get water" Mari suggested
"Yeah, we've been in the park for more than an hour now" Basil added

"Sure, but I get to drink water first!" Kel said
"No, I'm going to be the first one!" Aubrey shouted

The both started running back to Mari's and Sunny's house

"Why are these two always fighting?" Basil asked
"I guess it's in their nature" You said


You were at their house now, Basil and Sunny were looking at the photo album, Mari was talking to Hero and Aubrey and Kel were fighting, of course

You were just sitting in the floor, bored

"Yeah, sure Aubrey whatever" Kel said and got away from the fight "Can we do something Hero? Im boooooored"

"Uhhh... sure, what do you want to do?" Hero asked
"Hmmm... What about an arm-wrestling match?" Kel suggested

"Sure" Hero said and sat down on the ground and Kel sat down too
"But try your best!" Kel said

"Okay..." Hero said and the match started

Not only started, but the match ended the second after it started, Hero being the obvious winner

"That's not fair! You definetly cheated!" Kel said
"How can I cheat in an arm-wrestling match?" Hero asked

"I don't know, tell me yourself!" Kel said

You looked at Basil, that was holding his camera and approached him

"You took a picture, right?" You asked
"Nope, I took two! Heh" He answered "I'll print them later, I can show you then" Basil said

"Sure!" You said

-Timeskip brought by watermelon-

You woke up, yesterday you fell asleep while playing Monopoly with your friends late at night, you were really tired. You looked around and saw that you were in the floor, and that the rest of your friends except Mari and Hero were sleeping on the floor too

You got up, and went to the kitchen were you saw Mari making breakfast

"Good morning" You said after yawning

"Oh, I didn't see you there" Mari said "Good morning!" 
"Where's Hero?" You asked after noticing he wasn't there

"He's taking a shower" She answered without stopping to make breakfast

"KEL WHAT THE HELL?!" You heard Aubrey scream

"I'll go see what's happening!" You shouted and went back to the living room

"Shut up! You're gonna make everyone wake up!" Kel said even louder
"What's wrong?" Basil said in a zombie voice after waking out

"This dumbass right here put his foot in my face!!" Aubrey shouted
"I WAS SLEEPING! I didn't notice what I was doing!" He shouted back

"Guys! Stop shouting for god's sake!" You said

"Breakfast is ready!" Mari shouted from the kitchen and Aubrey, Kel and you ran there, while Basil just walked to the kitchen

You arrived and sat in one of the chairs, waiting for the rest to arrive so you could start eating breakfast

You heard Hero go down the stairs and saw him enter the kitchen, along with Sunny who just woke up

"Good morning!" Hero said and sat down
"Good morning" The rest of you answered

You started eating breakfast, and the rest started too

"Before any of you say anything, I just wanted to say that I would appreciate if you guys wouldn't shout at 11 a.m, thank you" Hero commented

"IT'S 11 A.M?" You asked in shock

"Yeah, almost 12.am too. Yesterday we fell asleep really late"  Mari answered
"MY MOM'S GONNA BE HERE ANY MOMENT NOW! She said she would come here to take my home at 12.am!" You shouted

"That's okay, let's just have fun while we can" Mari answered

-Timeskip again haha- (don't mind my laziness)

"Y/n! Your mother is here!" Mari shouted 
"Coming!" You shouted "I wish I could stay here for more time" You said getting away from Sunny's stuffed animals

You stopped before going out of the room with your backpack on and turned around

"Wait, I didn't see the photos!" You said
"Right!" Basil said and got his photo album out

You got near him and saw the pictures

(I was gonna put the pictures but fucking Wattpad doesn't let me put more than one image, so yeah, pretend the pictures are here)

"They're really good! I gotta go now guys, bye!"

"New friends!" Omori Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now