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"Thank you for accepting my challenge!~"

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"Thank you for accepting my challenge!~"

(You just accepted a challenge that could easily be your doom, and you don't know what you've signed up for, but he's already getting closer to you, as his chest and his body are now up against yours.... You feel trapped as you've already agreed to do whatever he wants you to...)

"So, here's the question that you just agreed to answer~"

(He has another creepy smile, as he's basically saying that you have no other option at this point, as you've already agreed to do whatever he says... He's continuing to stare directly at you, almost making you feel like you're prey for him, and that you're trapped as you have not yet said any words to defend yourself and you seem very scared at this point)

"So?~ You going to speak?~ Or are you scared of something?~"

(He continues to stare at you with that big creepy smile in your eyes, he really looks like he's enjoying you being trapped in this situation, as if he knows you can't escape, and that he's won... So what are you gonna do? You just agreed to do anything he says, which means you're at his mercy. What will you say?)

"what is there.. for me to say?.."

"Well, you just agreed to do whatever I wanted you to do, but your silence is speaking for you!~"

(He has that smug smile, and it feels almost mocking, as you don't think you'll get out of this, and you feel really uncomfortable at the thought of being this guy's prisoner...)

"I'm not asking for much, just give me an answer~ What could you possibly be afraid of?~"

"im scared of being.. uhm.. i dont.. trust u."

"Well well well, I'm not asking for your trust now, are I?~ And why on earth don't you trust me?~ I'm an upstanding person after all!~ Why should I trust you?~"

(His smugness is getting on your nerves, but it also feels like that's the point, since he doesn't plan on doing anything to make you trust him, he seems like a manipulative person...)

"you might use my fear against me.."

"Is the poor person getting anxious?~" yeah im a poor person i have no mora also yes im getting anxious.

(He has a creepy smile on his face, while talking to you, as if he's enjoying your fear and nervousness)

"Well, maybe I will...~ Or maybe I won't~... Why don't you just trust me, and I might consider letting you go..."

"uhm.. well im afriad of being..."


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